
ambiguity of speech, especially from uncertainty of the grammatical construction rather than of the meaning of the words, as in the duke yet lives that henry shall depose.
historical examples

the phrase transcendental object occurs once in the second -n-logy and twice in the note on amphiboly.
a commentary to kant’s ‘critique of pure reason’ norman kemp smith

this, it may be noted, is in keeping with the p-ssages above quoted from the section on amphiboly.
a commentary to kant’s ‘critique of pure reason’ norman kemp smith

p-ssages which expound it in this later form occur in the note on amphiboly and throughout the dialectic.
a commentary to kant’s ‘critique of pure reason’ norman kemp smith

from the first reference in the note on amphiboly no definite conclusions can be drawn.
a commentary to kant’s ‘critique of pure reason’ norman kemp smith

the note on amphiboly was too unsatisfactory as a whole to encourage kant to improve upon it in detail.
a commentary to kant’s ‘critique of pure reason’ norman kemp smith

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