Anti romantic

of, relating to, or of the nature of ; characteristic or suggestive of the world of :
a romantic adventure.
fanciful; impractical; unrealistic:
romantic ideas.
imbued with or dominated by idealism, a desire for adventure, chivalry, etc.
characterized by a preoccupation with love or by the idealizing of love or one’s beloved.
displaying or expressing love or strong affection.
ardent; p-ssionate; fervent.
(usually initial capital letter) of, relating to, or characteristic of a style of literature and art that subordinates form to content, encourages freedom of treatment, emphasizes imagination, emotion, and introspection, and often celebrates nature, the ordinary person, and freedom of the spirit (contrasted with ).
of or relating to a musical style characteristic chiefly of the 19th century and marked by the free expression of imagination and emotion, virtuosic display, experimentation with form, and the adventurous development of orchestral and piano music and opera.
imaginary, fict-tious, or fabulous.
noting, of, or pertaining to the role of a suitor or lover in a play about love:
the romantic lead.
a romantic person.
a .
romantics, romantic ideas, ways, etc.
of, relating to, imbued with, or characterized by romance
evoking or given to thoughts and feelings of love, esp idealized or sentimental love: a romantic woman, a romantic setting
impractical, visionary, or idealistic: a romantic scheme
(often euphemistic) imaginary or fict-tious: a romantic account of one’s war service
(often capital) of or relating to a movement in european art, music, and literature in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, characterized by an emphasis on feeling and content rather than order and form, on the sublime, supernatural, and exotic, and the free expression of the p-ssions and individuality
a person who is romantic, as in being idealistic, amorous, or soulful
a person whose tastes in art, literature, etc, lie mainly in romanticism; romanticist
(often capital) a poet, composer, etc, of the romantic period or whose main inspiration or interest is romanticism

1650s, “of the nature of a literary romance,” from french romantique, from middle french romant “a romance,” oblique case of old french romanz “verse narrative” (see romance (n.)).

as a literary style, opposed to cl-ssical since before 1812; in music, from 1885. meaning “characteristic of an ideal love affair” (such as usually formed the subject of literary romances) is from 1660s. meaning “having a love affair as a theme” is from 1960. related: romantical (1670s); romantically. cf. romanticism.

“an adherent of romantic virtues in literature,” 1827, from romantic (adj.).

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