

to press something close to something else
word origin

l. apprimere

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    pressed closely against or fitting closely to something. historical examples leaf-buds small, short, obtuse, appressed; leaf-scars prominent. the pears of new york u. p. hedrick leaf-buds small, short, pointed and with curved tips, appressed. the pears of new york u. p. hedrick strigillose, strigose, beset with stout and appressed, stiff or rigid bristles. the elements […]

  • Appressoria

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  • Appressorium

    a flattened and thickened tip of a hyphal branch, formed by some parasitic fungi, that facilitates penetration of the host plant. noun (pl) -ria (-rɪə) (botany) a flattened hypha of a parasitic fungus that penetrates the host tissues

  • Apprise

    to give notice to; inform; advise (often followed by of): to be apprised of the death of an old friend. . historical examples indeed, how could she apprise him of events which were now the talk of the court? under the rose frederic stewart isham you are then to apprise the president of the haarlem […]

  • Apprise of

    to give notice to; inform; advise (often followed by of): to be apprised of the death of an old friend. verb (transitive) often foll by of. to make aware; inform v. “to notify,” 1690s, from french appris, past participle of apprendre “to inform, teach,” literally “to lay hold of (in the mind),” another metaphoric meaning […]

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