Belly slam

belly flop.

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    belly-crunch nonessential elements, esp when impressive and decorative; frills: the latest ”bells and whistles,” as high-tech frills are called/ you strip away the technological bells and whistles accessories and accoutrements, esp of the flashier sort; refinements; adornments; finishing touches: maserati, with all the bells and whistles (1970s+)

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    belly-smacker a sled ride begun by running with the sled held at one’s side, then leaping onto it stomach down (entry form 1940s+) belly flop

  • Belly-whopper

    belly-whopper a sled ride begun by running with the sled held at one’s side, then leaping onto it stomach down (entry form 1940s+) belly flop

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    informal. a pain in the abdomen or bowels. informal. to complain; grumble. noun an informal term for stomachache verb (intransitive) (slang) to complain repeatedly n.

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