
a person who interprets the bible literally.
a biblical scholar.
a biblical scholar
a person who takes the bible literally

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  • Biblio-

    a combining form occurring in loanwords from greek (bibliography); on this model, used in the formation of compound words with the meaning “book” (bibliophile), and sometimes with the meaning “bible” (bibliolatry, on the model of idolatry). combining form indicating book or books: bibliography, bibliomania

  • Biblioclasm

    a person who mutilates or destroys books. noun usage note

  • Biblioclast

    a person who mutilates or destroys books. historical examples the bibliotaph leon h. vincent

  • Bibliofilm

    a microfilm used especially in libraries to photograph the pages of valuable or much-used books.

  • Bibliog.

    bibliographer. bibliography. abbreviation bibliographer bibliography bibliographer bibliography

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