
pertaining to biometry.
pertaining to, noting, or using a person’s unique physical and other traits for the purposes of identification and security: a biometric system; biometric readers;
a biometric p-ssport.
contemporary examples

a centrist gets fighting mad mark mckinnon october 12, 2010
wanna fly? give us a fingerprint. jacob siegel march 10, 2014
how sp-ce agencies are preparing for a mission to mars josh dzieza february 11, 2011
here come the smart guns: will new jersey soon have to sell safer guns? brandy zadrozny september 22, 2014
the immigration bill does not create a ‘biometric database of all adult americans’ justin green may 12, 2013

historical examples

little brother cory doctorow
little brother cory doctorow
parenthood and race culture caleb williams saleeby
applied eugenics paul popenoe and roswell hill johnson


relating to the -n-lysis of biological data using mathematical and statistical methods
relating to digital scanning of the physiological or behavioural characteristics of individuals as a means of identification: biometric fingerprinting

relating to the statistical calculation of the probable duration of human life

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    biometric device

  • Biometric reader

    noun examples

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  • Biomimetic

    the study and development of synthetic systems that mimic the formation, function, or structure of biologically produced substances and materials and biological mechanisms and processes. adjective (of a human-made product) imitating nature or a natural process

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