Erythrocyte fragility test

erythrocyte fragility test n.
See fragility test.

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    [ih-rith-ruh-sahyt] /ɪˈrɪθ rəˌsaɪt/ noun, Physiology. 1. . /ɪˈrɪθrəʊˌsaɪt/ noun 1. a blood cell of vertebrates that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide, combined with the red pigment haemoglobin, to and from the tissues Also called red blood cell erythrocyte e·ryth·ro·cyte (ĭ-rĭth’rə-sīt’) n. See red blood cell. e·ryth’ro·cyt’ic (-sĭt’ĭk) adj. erythrocyte (ĭ-rĭth’rə-sīt’) See red blood cell.

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    [ih-rith-ruh-sahyt] /ɪˈrɪθ rəˌsaɪt/ noun, Physiology. 1. . /ɪˈrɪθrəʊˌsaɪt/ noun 1. a blood cell of vertebrates that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide, combined with the red pigment haemoglobin, to and from the tissues Also called red blood cell erythrocyte e·ryth·ro·cyte (ĭ-rĭth’rə-sīt’) n. See red blood cell. e·ryth’ro·cyt’ic (-sĭt’ĭk) adj. erythrocyte (ĭ-rĭth’rə-sīt’) See red blood cell.

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