
a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble powder, C 2 H 4 O 3 , that is a major substrate for photorespiration in plants: used chiefly for textile printing and dyeing and in pesticides.
a colourless crystalline soluble hygroscopic compound found in sugar cane and sugar beet: used in tanning and in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, adhesives, and plasticizers; hydroxyacetic acid. Formula: CH2(OH)COOH

glycolic acid gly·col·ic acid (glī-kŏl’ĭk)
A colorless crystalline compound found in sugar beets, cane sugar, and unripe grapes that is used in pharmaceuticals and pesticides.
glycolic acid
A colorless crystalline compound that occurs naturally in sugar beets and sugarcane. It is used in leather dyeing and tanning, and in making pharmaceuticals, pesticides, adhesives, and plasticizers. Chemical formula: C2H4O3.

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