
[leesh-man-ee-uh, -mey-nee-uh, lahysh-] /liʃˈmæn i ə, -ˈmeɪ ni ə, laɪʃ-/

any parasitic flagellate protozoan of the genus Leishmania, occurring in vertebrates in an oval or spherical, nonflagellate form, and in invertebrates in an elongated, flagellated form.
any parasitic flagellate protozoan of the genus Leishmania: infects humans and animals and causes diseases ranging from skin lesions to potentially fatal organ damage

Leishmania Leish·man·i·a (lēsh-mān’ē-ə, -mā’nē-ə)
A genus of flagellate protozoa, several species of which cause leishmanisis; all species are indistinguishable morphologically but may be separated by their serological reactions, by their geographic distribution, by their developmental patterns in their sandfly hosts, and by their clinical manifestations of leishmaniasis.

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