
[oh-ver-eet] /ˌoʊ vərˈit/

verb (used without object), overate, overeaten, overeating.
to too much:
If you overeat, you’re bound to get fat.
verb (used with object), overate, overeaten, overeating.
to more than is good for (oneself):
The food was so tasty we overate ourselves.
verb (intransitive) -eats, -eating, -ate, -eaten
to consume too much food

“to eat too much,” 1590s, from over- + eat (v.). Related: Overate; overeating. Old English had oferæt (n.) “gluttony; oferæte (adj.) “gluttonous.”

overeat o·ver·eat (ō’vər-ēt’)
v. o·ver·ate (-āt’), o·ver·eat·en (-ēt’n), o·ver·eat·ing, o·ver·eats
To eat to excess, especially habitually.

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