
[pash-uh-nit] /ˈpæʃ ə nɪt/

having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling; fervid:
a passionate advocate of socialism.
easily aroused to or influenced by sexual desire; ardently sensual.
expressing, showing, or marked by intense or strong feeling; emotional:
passionate language.
intense or vehement, as emotions or feelings:
passionate grief.
easily moved to anger; quick-tempered; irascible.
manifesting or exhibiting intense sexual feeling or desire: a passionate lover
capable of, revealing, or characterized by intense emotion: a passionate plea
easily roused to anger; quick-tempered

early 15c., “angry; emotional,” from Medieval Latin passionatus “affected with passion,” from Latin passio (genitive passionis) “passion” (see passion). Specific sense of “amorous” is attested from 1580s. Related: Passionately.

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