
of, relating to, or concerned with politics:
political writers.
of, relating to, or connected with a political party:
a political campaign.
exercising or seeking power in the governmental or public affairs of a state, municipality, etc.:
a political machine; a political boss.
of, relating to, or involving the state or its government:
a political offense.
having a definite policy or system of government:
a political community.
of or relating to citizens:
political rights.
of or relating to the state, government, the body politic, public administration, policy-making, etc

of, involved in, or relating to government policy-making as distinguished from administration or law
of or relating to the civil aspects of government as distinguished from the military

of, dealing with, or relating to politics: a political person
of, characteristic of, or relating to the parties and the partisan aspects of politics
organized or ordered with respect to government: a political unit

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