Living with a disability isn’t easy, especially if it’s a direct result of an accident. Not only do you need to come to terms with your new self physically, but mentally as well. But it’s important to understand that while you might not be able to live life as you did previously, it doesn’t mean you need to stop living. Below are five things you can do to make the transition easier.

Stay Healthy

Being disabled doesn’t equate to being unhealthy. Millions of people live with some type of disability and are perfectly healthy otherwise. Depending on your type of disability, there may be limits of what you can do physically. For example, hearing loss is a common disability among certain demographics but there are factors that cause hearing loss that may apply to you that you can work to combat in your younger years. Additionally, eating a healthy diet, remaining active and socializing with friends and family can keep you happy and healthy as you transition into this new way of living.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Sustaining a disability also impacts your mental health. It’s not uncommon for those afflicted to suffer from anxiety and depression. Everything they knew is now gone, so reaching out for support can help make the recovery process easier. Ask your family physician for a referral to a mental health professional. A social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist can assist in helping you come to terms with the situation and provide the ongoing support you need to move forward.

Financial Security

From a financial point of view, being disabled can be expensive. In addition to needing to pay caretakers, you might also now need to use motorized or assisted technology in your daily life. While insurance and specific government funding programs do offer financial assistance, it might not be enough, particularly if you’re unable to work. If you have life insurance, you might want to consider selling it. By selling a life insurance policy for cash, it can help cover your additional expenses of medical care. There are plenty of guides online you can review about how the process works and whether your specific type of policy qualifies.

Living Independent

Living on your own may or may not be possible. However, your goal should be to live as independently as possible, even if it’s with assistance. For example, if you’re able to shop for your own groceries and prepare your own meals, you need to do so. If you need assistance, make sure you explain what your limitations are and what you’re still capable of doing. Most people with newly acquired disabilities usually start by having assistance and then working their way towards having as much independence as possible over time.

Ask for Help

Even if you want to go it alone, everyone needs the support of like-minded people. Both on and offline, look for local support groups you can join. As kind and caring as your family and friends are, they might not understand how you’re feeling. Bonding with others facing similar obstacles can make you feel less alone. There are also support groups for family members who need to learn how to cope with becoming the primary caretakers of someone with a disability.