10 Essential Skills Healthcare Managers Must Hone To Remain Competitive




The world’s facing a global health crisis, and health services managers must oversee all health-related functions in a healthcare institution. They write reports, recruit people, attend meetings, liaison with professionals, and coordinate/administer both medical and non-medical operations. However, they can’t function effectively without developing essential qualities that make healthcare managers fit for this job!

So, which vital skills do healthcare administrators require for honing their expertise?

You use these abilities to gain a competitive advantage over your peers. We’ll explain some of these “soft skills” here to help you understand what employers demand from you when you’re applying for this job.

Quality Every Healthcare Administrator Needs

Health services managers are tasked with coordinating the business activities of healthcare providers. A healthcare administrator finds employment in various sectors, most commonly hospitals. People working as healthcare managers make over $100,000 annually, and this field’s constantly growing. Some experts have estimated that this subject will grow by 32% this year. We believe that students have more options to seek employment opportunities in the institution of healthcare. Besides the “hard skills,” most professionals also need certain “soft skills” without which employers won’t consider folks eligible. So, here are those essential qualities healthcare managers must boost for competitiveness:

Industry knowledge

A health services manager must have industry knowledge for becoming eligible for this job! How do you gain the required know-how to serve as a healthcare administrator? We suggest you attain an Executive Masters in Healthcare Administration degree to assume this role. This degree prepares students for the ever-changing healthcare institution. You get the skills of leadership and innovation thanks to this program. So, finish your master’s and learn the “soft skills” you need to land the job!


Effective communication marks the emblem of a capable health services manager. We consider this quality a must-have for healthcare administrators today. This skill is essential for explaining different policies and rules to subordinates. Communication doesn’t involve you merely talking; it also deals with active listening in which you hear what others have to say. Only then can you communicate, comprehend, and articulate your expectations with people properly.


Health services managers access patients’ confidential information, and they’re required to exercise utmost discretion. Revealing this information breaks the patient’s trust in healthcare practitioners. A healthcare administrator must protect patients’ privacy and conceal this information from any prying set of eyes. Maintaining this privacy isn’t just a bonus “soft skill” for you to possess; it’s one of the fundamentals of being an effective manager. Make yourself a discrete person for this job.


You can’t withhold important information from people since your subordinates expect managers to exercise transparency. Health services managers must realize that allowing people proper access to the required information can ascertain the streamlined functioning of the healthcare institution. So, it would be best if you built rapport with everyone. Make your patients, colleagues, and supervisors trust you. A careful health services manager always remains accountable for the decisions they’ve made now.


We expect healthcare administrators to bolster their quick-thinking qualities. That’s how healthcare managers can become eligible for employment positions dedicated to excellence. Employers need your analytical and reasoning capabilities to remain above average. It would be best if you worked on your critical-thinking skills. It involves understanding the “bigger picture” and prioritizing tasks over others. Without being an analytical individual, you can’t gain a competitive advantage now.


Healthcare institution is riddled with problems, and health services managers must find solutions for these issues. For instance, nurses often make medical errors while serving patients. Experts have claimed that 250,000+ patients die annually from these mistakes. So, problem-solving skills do allow healthcare administrators to overcome these challenges. Honing this particular “soft skill” can ensure a bright future for yourself in the industry. Become capable of solving different problems.


We’re living in exciting times with several changes in the industry. Unless managers are adaptable to these changes, they can’t function effectively in the health industry. So, adaptability is a vital skill we expect health services managers to possess. You should learn about the new trends in the health industry and incorporate innovative technologies to make your organization effective and profitable. Become brave enough to challenge the status quo and bring the required changes.


Do you think you’re a team player? It’s easier to claim “teamwork” as a quality on your resume. But many people aren’t well-versed with team-playing capabilities when they’re confronted with teams in real-life situations. Unless you’re running your team smoothly, your hospital won’t function finely! So, address the challenges that have prevented your team from functioning effectively. Make sure that every team member understands their responsibilities. Lead by example, not just with words.

Public dealing

Yes, it would help if you dealt with people. Health services managers – whether introverts or extroverts – come in contact with different categories of people. From patients and their relatives to vendors/suppliers – you’ll have to interact with people and deal with their questions. Learn how to build relations with people healthily. Establishing strong relations with them promises success in your career. Learn to connect with people and hone your public dealing skills to become better at handling conflicts.


Finally, let’s discuss something technically not a “soft skill,” i.e., budgeting. Can you handle it? It seems like an accounting-related job, fit for a health services manager. You must handle accounting and create annual budgets for the establishment you manage. It would help if you understood the expenses needed to operate your finances since they influence your institution’s profitability. Make sure you understand how different changes influence your budgeting and handle a recession.


We’ve established that healthcare administrators require some essential qualities to stay competitive in this industry. Honing these vital skills can promise them career advancement opportunities. But how can they improve these qualities effectively? We suggest health services managers bolster transparency and adaptability to survive in this field. They should work on their communication and problem-solving skills as well.

Moreover, it’s important to hone your analytical and public dealing qualities. Don’t forget about effective communication and powerful teamwork. These qualities make you an excellent health services manager today. Enhancing these “soft skills” will make you a powerful contender among your peers.