4 Best Practices For Training The Frontline Employees

Frontline employees are your foot soldiers and cheerleaders. They are often your brand’s face and embody your ideals. As a result, their significance to your organization is apparent.

In fact, were you aware that if a consumer receives good service, they will tell at least two other people? If they receive poor service, they will tell 8-10 people.

When you consider the rise of social media and customer review sites, it’s simple to understand how your frontline personnel can be the difference between everlasting brand devotion and a customer who never returns.

But what does it mean to be a frontline employee, and how should this essential audience be trained? Let us take a look!

What Is a Frontline Employee?

Frontline employees undertake jobs that are critical to providing key services to your clients. In reality, they are usually in the trenches, dealing with issues, solving challenges, and representing your brand.

Frontline workers are on the front lines, interacting directly with clients. If your frontline personnel fail to show up for work, it will be difficult (if not impossible) to supply your service or product to your target customer.

They carry out activities at all levels that are critical to the smooth operation of your business. Frontline workers are the face of your brand, and their importance cannot be emphasized.

So how can L&D leaders improve frontline staff training to motivate, engage, and retain key employees? Here are some tips:

Invest In Onboarding

While a good onboarding program is crucial in every function, it is more important for frontline employees. After all, your new frontline employees will function in a fast-paced workplace, generally in customer-facing duties. There’s no room for mistakes!

Employee motivation begins at the outset. As a result, for them to give the most outstanding customer service right away, you must lay a firm foundation for their success.

A good onboarding program will assist you in communicating the previously established brand vision and values. Similarly, it helps introduce your new hire to your company culture while ensuring they have the necessary tools to fulfill their responsibilities.

Humanize Instruction to Foster Culture and Relationships

Rather than depending on dry documentation or intermittent live training, incorporate video training into your company culture to help develop a feeling of community and connection, which is vital in today’s competitive employment market.

It is not necessary for video training to be professionally developed. Social learning videos, which are self-recorded training modules created by existing employees, executives, and subject-matter experts, are a simple and effective method to surface and share institutional knowledge among frontline staff while fostering peer-to-peer associations and organizational buy-in.

Keep An Eye On The Results

You can’t measure the performance of your training activities until you know how it affects your frontline personnel. As a result, you must concentrate on tracking your progress.

So invest in platforms like Bites Onboarding and Training, which include an in-built reporting suite that simplifies the analytical aspect of training. Thanks to your digital learning platform, your administrators can track how far your frontline employees have come.

Assessments and test results enable you to discover knowledge gaps and address them with prompt content interventions. Filters can be used to tailor data on an individual or specific piece of information.

Organize Coaching

Working on the front lines is not easy. They frequently deal with unpleasant situations and consumers, as well as new problems and things that do not go as planned. Many frontline workers are also critical workers who contribute to the smooth operation of society.

These characteristics distinguish frontline workers. It may be difficult for your L&D experts and instructional designers to appreciate the actual degree of training your frontline workers require if they have never worked in such a position.

This is where coaching can help! Coaching may help front-liners at all levels leverage their abilities and achieve their objectives. They will get expertise from more experienced individuals in similar roles and benefit from their wealth of experience.


With these best practices in mind, you’ll be in an excellent position to prioritize and tailor your frontline worker training, increasing engagement and productivity while creating a sense of community and empowerment among your team.