Basic Dog Commands – Quick Guide


It is important to teach your dog basic dog commands so that he can understand what you expect from him and how you want him to behave. It is simple for a human to teach a dog basic manner and to reinforce those manners with simple commands that your dog can understand. Your dog wants to please you and will collaborate with you to do what you ask of him. It is up to you to show your dog what you mean. Dogs do not respond well to being yelled at, so you must learn a way to teach your dog certain things without raising your voice or being harsh with your dog. What are the basic things that you should teach your dog? There are some commands that are quite important, and each one should need to be taught to your dog in a certain order.

Recall / Name Recognition

Your dog needs to know what his name is, and it is important to teach him this through repetition and reward. Teach your dog his name and reward him for responding to it. It is important to go “over the top” with rewards and affection when your dog responds to his name so that he will respond again in the future and know that when you call him, he is going to be rewarded for a positive response. If you are angry at your dog it will show up in your voice and your body language. You should never scold your dog for any reason, always be positive or your dog will not want to come to you.


You want your dog to come to you when you call him, and you have to train him to do this. The starting point is to put a collar and a lead on your dog and then move some distance away from him. Next, you will gently pull on the dog’s leash and say “come”. When the dog starts moving towards you, make it a point to give him affection, praise, a treat or any combination of those things. Keep repeating this activity until your dog learns it and is responding. You should eventually be able to call your dog to you without the leash.

Leave it

Your dog needs to learn this command so that he does not take something that he should not have. This is often important when you are in new surroundings and your dog is moving towards something that he should not have. This is something that can protect your dog and save him from consuming something that is not for him or that might cause him harm. One way to teach this is to hold a treat in each of your hands. Move one hand towards your dog’s face and all him to sniff and lick the treat. Next, say “leave it” until the dog stops trying to get the treat. Offer your dog the treat from the other hand once he stops showing interest in the first treat. Continue to practice this until you feel that your dog understands the commands.


This command will help your dog to calm down if he is behaving a bit rowdy. Having your dog lie down is like putting him into “park.” Start by offering your dog a treat in a closed fist and then move it towards your dog’s face. Let him sniff at what is in your hand and then move your hand towards the floor. Slide your hand as your dog follows it until he is in a lying position. Once the dog is down then saying “down” to reinforce this. Give your dog praise and keep repeating the exercise until you feel he has mastered it.

Sit and Stay

The purpose of this command is to calm your dog down and keep him in one location. Start by offering your dog a treat and then hold that treat close to your dog’s nose. Move your hand up so that your dog will follow your hand’s direction. Once the dog is sitting, say “sit” and then give the dog the treat that you have been holding. Keep repeating this until your dog has mastered the command. Keep repeating this exercise and gradually move away from the dog and say “stay.” Your dog will soon understand what you want him to do and will stay in place as you ask him to.


This is a command that you teach to your dog so that your dog will walk beside you. You start to teach your dog this by holding his leash in your right hand while keeping the dog on your left side. With your left hand you hold a treat and guide your dog to walk with you and then you instruct him to sit. You then give the heel command so that your dog will stay by your side as you walk. Every few steps, guide your dog to remain by your side and continue to praise him with treats as he does what you ask of him.

Watch me

This command is to get your dog to pay attention to you. You start by keeping a treat in a closed hand and then move your hand closer to your dog’s nose and face. Once you have your dog’s attention, ensure he is making eye contact with you and say “look” or “watch me.” Once your dog is looking at you, and is focused on you, give him praise and a treat.

Drop it

There will be times when your dog gets hold of something that you do not want them to have. You start by giving your dog an object and then allow them to play with it for some time. You will then introduce another object that is the same as the first one. You want your dog to move towards the second object to try to take it. Once your dog has released the first object you say, “drop it” and then say “take it” when your dog moves towards the second object. You should reward your dog for listening to you and continue to practice this activity.


You want to train your dog not to leave the yard or wherever you may be together. If you are walking with your dog and you need to go into a store or something, you want your dog to wait for you outside. You will open your hand and show him your palm, then say “wait.” You will repeat this activity until your dog learns it fully. You want to be able to leave your dog somewhere for a few minutes and be able to rely on him waiting for you when you return.

You and your dog are a team. More importantly, your dog is a member of your family. You need to spend time with your dog to teach him certain things and you need your dog to listen to you when you ask him to do certain things. The main secret behind these commands is repetition and practice. Once you continue to practice the commands, your dog will start to understand what it is that you expect him to do.

In all fairness, your dog is like a blank canvas, and it is up to you to provide your dog with the proper guidance and to ensure that he learns what he needs in order to be able to make his way through the world and to be a good citizen. You must show your dog how to behave and what is acceptable behavior. Puppies are just babies and are ready to learn what you have to teach them. You need to collaborate with your dog to ensure that he learns all of the commands that you need him to know so that he can become a good dog, a member of your family and a dog that people will wish was theirs.

It is your job as a dog owner to train your dog and to teach him the commands that he needs to be successful and to always be there to back him up when he needs you. You need to invest the time in your dog to ensure that your dog has the tools that he needs to be able to be the dog you want him to be. You and your dog as a team from start to finish and before you know it your dog will be exactly what you always dreamed; he would be. A few simple commands will help you to get the most from your relationship with your dog. These commands are easy to teach if you work with your dog each and every day and build a solid foundation from the moment that you bring your dog home.

Article suggested by Paws, Claws & Tails.