Best Handle Material For A Screwdriver Set


You might think a screwdriver is a screwdriver, what does it matter what material the handle is made from, but it does matter. In that fact, so does the shape. There are a range of materials used to make the handles for screwdriver sets from the basic hard plastic to wood. Each material is chosen for a reason, whether that be protection, cost, or comfort. So, what is the best handle material for a screwdriver set? Let’s have a look.


The standard screwdriver set handles are eight-sided to help with grip. When more torque is needed and therefore a better grip they come with a three-sided handle. Oily, greasy hands need as much help as they can to grip, so wooden handles would not be a good choice. The handle has to have material that adds extra grip. Afterall, you shouldn’t have to go home from work each day with busted knuckles because your hand keeps slipping, when all it takes is the right screwdriver set.


This time we’re not talking about protecting your knuckles, but much more important protection. If you are using your screwdriver set around any electrical source, you should make sure your handle is made from an insulated material. Never use a metal handle screwdriver near electricity. The screwdriver sets must be rated for electrical protection and meet the necessary standards.


If you are doing up thousands of screws a week then comfort is key. You will want a screwdriver set that uses softer material on the handle and has a shape that allows for relaxed gripping. The handle length can also affect the comfort of the screwdriver too. A short stubby handle can be more comfortable in a small space rather than a long handle that doesn’t fit.


A big motivator when it comes to the materials used on the handles of screwdriver sets is their cost. Quite often when you buy a cheap screwdriver set, they will have hard plastic handles that are slippery and uncomfortable. They are okay if you’re not using them often, but if they are going to make up a big part of your workday then you need to buy quality products. Not only will the quality screwdriver sets be more comfortable to use but they will last much longer too.


When you are looking for quality screwdriver sets then you need to start with a reputable dealer you can trust. A company that only supplies quality products and gives expert advice. Our recommendation would be to try RS. They have over 400 quality, branded screwdriver sets for sale with a variety of handle materials.

The best handle material for a screwdriver set will depend on what you are using the screwdrivers for and how often. It doesn’t matter if its comfort, protection, grip, or the price that influences the screwdriver set you buy. With the team at RS, you will only get quality products. Contact them today online, by email, or on the phone.