Is New World Dying


New World is Amazon’s latest and one of the most ambitious video game titles of all time. Released just a few months back, New World is an MMORPG title that promises to provide a unique MMO experience combining both the classic and modern MMO gameplay.

Upon release, New World saw a large community of players eagerly waiting to stroll through Aeternum, and following the hype around this title, the player count during the first month of the game spiked all the way up to 900,000 active players!

But fast forward a couple of months and the recent steamcharts show a massive decline in those numbers with the active players nose diving below 120,000! But what went wrong and is New World really dying?

Not the Best Start

New World created a lot of hype around the gaming community and quite rightly so, the trailers and the gameplay suggested a strong MMO title with the potential to become one of the best MMOs of all time. The base was definitely there, all the different functionalities and unique features that Amazon brought into this game are still outclass but the problem is when the players started swarming in the game, New World started facing a number of server issues due to servers getting overloaded.

This became a massive problem for the players as the game was taking forever to find a free space for players to even get a chance to try out the game. Some of the players even claimed to have waited for over 12 hours just to connect to a server and play the game.

The Bugs and Glitches

Servers getting overloaded was just part of the problem, the game faced a number of game-breaking bugs and issues that made a lot of players quit. One of the very popular bugs that a lot of players seemed to cash out in the game was the recent “Gold Duping” bug where some of the players found out that they could actually duplicate gold in New World.

This was a serious problem that needed to be fixed right away as it created a lot of imbalance in the game’s economy as Amazon wanted it to be totally player-driven. A lot of players exploited this bug and made a fortune for themselves and eventually, Amazon had to do something about it.

Amazon decided to fix the issue by punishing the players for exploitation of the bug and banning their accounts, permanently. Before they decided to put a “pause” on the in-game economy.

Not the best end-game content?

New World surely comes packed with a lot of things for the players to do in the game, building villages, battling out with other colonies, capturing their land, growing your own economy, and a ton of other stuff following the quest.

But something that it doesn’t provide is the best end-game content. For a lot of players who have switched from other MMOs, after spending quite a bit of time in this game to reach the end-game, they feel like there’s just isn’t one.

And while it makes sense since the developers were busy fixing all the game-breaking issues they just haven’t had the proper time to come up with interesting end-game content that is actually unique and interesting to hold the players inside the game.

Is New World Worth Playing in 2022?

Every new MMO that has potential, gets picked up by the streamers and the hype just gets blasting off the roof, which makes a lot of players turn towards it. But due to the not-so-perfect release of the game, the hype died down quite quickly and the streamers turned to other games including HALO Infinite which made New World lose a lot of its player base.

This sudden drop in numbers isn’t unusual for a number of BIG games. New World is still pretty new to the gaming industry and there’s a lot that needs to be fixed or changed in the game to be able to function properly. New World surely has the potential and the base to become one of the best MMO titles but not before Amazon comes with new patches to fix the game.

For now, it’s probably best to wait it out till Amazon comes up with fixes to make the game more playable. It might take a few months to get the game fixed but there’s no doubt that New World will be back to its glory in 2022. But if you are impatient, there are game deals where you can grab New World at discount and start your journey right away.