Many people looking to lose weight turn to dietary supplements and herbs like kratom in the hopes that they will help them shed unwanted pounds. Kratom is a natural plant that grows in Southeast Asia and has many benefits, one of which is aiding in weight loss. So, does kratom help you lose weight? And if so, how much should you take? Let’s take a closer look at this herb and its potential weight-loss effects.

History Of Kratom

Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree from Southeast Asia native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. The scientific name for kratom is Mitragyna speciosa, which is part of the coffee family. Kratom has been used for centuries by indigenous people in Southeast Asia for its stimulant effects. It was initially used to boost energy levels and help with manual labor.

Kratom leaves can be chewed, dried, crushed into a powder, or brewed as a tea. Kratom powder can also be used to make capsules. Kratom is said to have opioid-like effects and has been used for pain relief and to help with withdrawal symptoms from opioids.

In recent years, kratom has become more popular in the Western world and is now being sold as a dietary supplement and herbal remedy.

How Does Kratom Work?

The active compounds in kratom are mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxy mitragynine. These compounds interact with opioid receptors in the brain, providing pain relief and other effects.

Mitragynine also interacts with other receptor systems in the brain to produce stimulant effects. When kratom is taken in small amounts, it is a stimulant, providing increased energy and enhanced mood. In larger doses, it has sedative-like effects.

Kratom And Weight Loss

Many people claim that kratom helped them lose weight. One person said that after taking kratom for two weeks, they had more energy and were able to work out more, which led to weight loss. Another person said that kratom suppressed their appetite, leading to weight loss.

A 2017 survey found that 1.8% of respondents reported using kratom for weight loss.

Animal Studies

Some scientific evidence supports the claims that kratom can help with weight loss. For example, a study on rats found that those given kratom extract ate less food and lost weight.

A study on mice found that kratom extract increased the animals’ metabolism and helped prevent obesity.

Human Studies

There is limited human research on kratom and weight loss. However, one study found that kratom users had a lower body mass index (BMI) than non-users. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight.

Another study found that kratom users were more likely to have lost weight than non-users. This study also found that kratom users were more likely to have a lower BMI and smaller waistline.

How Might Kratom Help With Weight Loss?

Kratom is said to help with weight loss in several ways.

First, kratom is a natural stimulant, so it can help to increase energy levels and boost metabolism. This may lead to increased calorie burning and weight loss.

Second, kratom is said to help suppress appetite, which can lead to reduced food intake and weight loss.

Finally, kratom’s pain-relieving effects may also play a role in weight loss. Kratom can help relieve pain, making it easier for people to exercise and stay active, leading to weight loss.

What Can We Learn About Kratom Weight Loss from Its Side Effects?

Weight loss and decreased appetite are often reported adverse effects of kratom use, and it’s not surprising. However, there have also been some mild adverse effects recorded by consumers:

1. Hypertension

High blood pressure can be caused by several factors, including an increase in the body’s production of the hormone angiotensin II. Angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels), and the body responds by increasing blood pressure. Some evidence suggests that kratom may cause an increase in angiotensin II levels, which could lead to high blood pressure.

Kratom may also cause a decrease in the level of the hormone aldosterone, which is essential in maintaining water balance. This may lead to dehydration and weight loss.

2. Dry Mouth

This is one of the most common side effects of kratom use. In fact, it can be a primary reason why users quit taking kratom. The side effect may occur when a person takes too much kratom or too frequently.

Kratom causes sympathetic stimulation, which means that the body produces more saliva to wash away the toxins in the mouth. However, the extra saliva doesn’t work as well as normal, and the user ends up with a dry mouth.

3. Rapid Heart Rate

Some users report feeling anxious or even agitated after taking kratom. This could be due to the stimulant effect of the herb, which causes an increase in heart rate.

This is a common side effect of any stimulant, but it can be a problem for those who suffer from high blood pressure or heart conditions. Kratom is generally safe for most people, but it may cause problems for those with heart issues.

4. Nausea

Nausea is another common side effect of kratom. Some users report feeling nauseous or even vomiting after taking kratom. This is not necessarily bad, but it is something to be aware of. It may be caused by the stimulant effect of the herb, which causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Again, this is a problem for anyone who has a heart condition.

These symptoms may occur after the first few doses of kratom, or they may develop later. If you experience these symptoms, you should speak with your doctor about whether you should stop using kratom.

5. Constipation

Kratom is known to have a laxative effect. Still, it’s not clear whether this is due to its stimulating effect on the nervous system or the presence of alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. The latter two compounds are believed to play a role in the stimulant effect of the herb.

6. Sedation

Kratom has sedative properties and can cause drowsiness, leading to sleepiness and lightheadedness. This effect is similar to those caused by other sedative drugs, such as benzodiazepines. These effects may be stronger or more frequent when taken with alcohol.