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We live in a world where any information is sold. Social networks sell patterns of your behavior to advertising companies or banks; the sale of digital personalities is popular on the black market; these are the accounts of people with which you can pretend to be another person on the network, put on his image.

The cost of such an account varies greatly, from one dollar when buying hundreds of “personalities” to several tens of dollars when choosing a suitable account, which you need for specific purposes. Criminals pretend to be other people for a reason; for them, it is an opportunity to imitate a living person, hide behind them as a shield and confuse law enforcement agencies.

Unfortunately, most people treat this threat as imaginary, completely careless in monitoring their safety, and brush off the basic rules of digital hygiene. People don’t fully realize that a phone can tell more about its owner today than even the closest surveillance in the past.

What can you do to protect personal information on your devices and prevent hackers from stealing it? Here are some tips.

Use a firewall

If we are talking about a computer, install a firewall. Firewalls protect your network from unauthorized access. Also, they notify if an attempt is made to such access. Make sure the firewall is turned on before going online. If you have a large business, you can purchase an additional firewall for your corporate network. Moreover, reliable data protection is very important for a company. In the article Advantages of VPN for B2B Business Sector, we evaluated why VPN is important for business more in detail.

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Keep it up to date

It is essential to keep your systems, applications, and browser up to date, especially if these updates are available. Such updates can fix software flaws that allow hackers to view your activities or steal information.

Use complex passwords

The more compound your password, the more difficult it is for a fraudster to find it. A longer, more complex password is always more secure. What is a long password? It is a password consisting of at least eight characters and a combination of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and computer characters. And remember that it is not safe to reuse passwords elsewhere. Always write a unique password.

Use cloud services

Cloud services are an excellent way to keep your data and essential documents in a safe place. Creating archives from photos on such services will also allow you never to lose crucial moments from your life. Make a copy of your photos and docs in the cloud, and stay confident that you won’t lose anything. These services do not require special attention; you configure how you want to synchronize data (WiFi or cellular network) and forget about it.

Backup your computer

Backing up your information allows you to keep your system intact if it comes under attack. Such copying gives confidence that you can restore the system if its integrity is violated.

Turn off your devices

Many of us are used to leaving our devices on all the time. Constant inclusion makes your computer a more visible and accessible target for hackers; shutting down breaks the connection the hacker may have made to your network and prevents any possible trouble.

Use two-factor authentication

Passwords are the primary protection for your device. However, the second layer of protection makes your device even more stable. Many sites allow you to enable two-factor authentication, which improves security by requiring you to enter a numeric code sent to your phone or email address, in addition to your password when you log in.

Simultaneously, the Forbes article says that it will not be difficult for attackers to crack even a complex password if they have time for this. This is the reason to think about protecting your data well.

To conclude

Cyber, Attack, Encryption, Smartphone, Null, One


Digital security is fundamental these days. And most importantly, all security settings are now very accessible and often built into the browser or application you are using. It will not be challenging to learn your device’s security system, but the protection against hacking will increase many times over.

At the same time, it does not matter what you want to protect – your photos or professional platforms with paid and free crypto signals – the level of security may be different, but it should be created everywhere.

Personal data protection is essential. Many companies, such as MLSDev, help with configuring system security settings for your devices; check more information about these web development services here –

Any data is of interest to intruders, and they can use it in one way or another. Digital security should become as commonplace as brushing our teeth to stay healthy. It is digital hygiene, and a modern person must follow it.