Light therapy or LED light therapy is one of the most popular treatments available for many skin conditions. This includes things like sun damage, acne, wounds, and several other types of skin problems.

One of the best things about this form of therapy is that people can get this treatment right from the comfort of their own homes. They can obviously still get the treatment at a professional dermatologist’s office as well.

This particular treatment method uses different wavelengths of light to make sure that the natural healing processes that the skin has have been triggered. It is important to mention here that you will need several treatments before you can really see results.

Let us take a closer look at this extremely safe and effective treatment method. Read on.

What exactly is it?

The full form of LED is a light-emitting diode. While these lights have been in use a long time, it has only recently been used for treating skin conditions.

It was originally made by NASA in order to conduct growth experiments for plants in space. Since then, however, these things have shown remarkable promise when it comes to healing wounds and also in growing human tissue.

The varying wavelengths of light that different types of LED lights have, including the red and blue lights, all go into the skin at varying depths. It is believed that this penetration can really help with triggering some biological processes. These processes are believed to help with rejuvenating the skin and also in helping it to heal.

Blue light

Experts have all opined that this type of blue light has the ability to reduce activity within some glands known as sebaceous glands. These are some small glands within the skin responsible for producing oil. When there is a lower activity in these glands, there will be less production of these oils. This can really help deal with acne issues.

This type of light also has the ability to kill some types of bacteria that can cause acne by producing an inflammatory response. This type of light therapy can also help those who have third-degree burns.

Red light

This type of light therapy has the ability to bring about improvements with regards to visible signs of aging and it can also improve scarring. It has the ability to do these things because it can act on fibroblasts. These are the skin cells that control collagen production.

Collagen is a type of protein that is present in both the skin and also in other types of connective tissues. It also plays a big part in promoting skin healing. It is normal for the body to stop producing as much collagen as before as it ages. This can make some signs of aging very visible.

Uses, Benefits

The list of conditions that light therapy can treat is simply beyond the scope of this article. With regards to skin, the following conditions can be helped by using light therapy.

  • Dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Dull Skin
  • Psoriasis
  • Scarring
  • Rosacea
  • Visible signs of aging
  • Damage from the sun
  • Healing wounds
  • Many other types of inflammatory conditions of the skin.

On top of being able to treat so many different types of conditions, light therapy also has a very good safety record. One of the main reasons behind this is the fact that light therapy does not use UV rays. UV rays can cause a lot of damage to the skin. This is why light therapy is perfect for use in regular situations.

Also, unlike laser therapy or some types of chemical peels, light therapy does not lead to burns. Another important thing to note is that it is also very safe for many different kinds and colors of skin.

Before and After

Research has been able to prove that this form of therapy can be really good for healing wounds and also in helping treat many other forms of skin damage.

Navy SEALS have been known to make use of light therapy for treating wounds. With this form of treatment, they were able to see improvements by as much as 40% (source) with regard to musculoskeletal injuries within their ranks. The same study was able to determine that it also helped drastically reduce the time it takes to heal from wounds.

Also, when it comes to the topic of cosmetic procedures, a lot of studies have been able to prove that this form of therapy, LED light therapy, can really help improve a lot of different kinds of skin conditions (source). This will include common skin conditions like acne and also psoriasis.

The American Academy of Dermatology has also opined quite strongly on the subject of light therapy and its benefits for the skin as well. They have vehemently stated that light therapy has the very real ability to help those who suffer from ace. They have also made it clear that these people can expect to see an improvement in their condition but they should not expect light therapy to get rid of acne once and for all.

One other thing that has to be mentioned here is that, do not expect to see results immediately after you start using light therapy. You will need a few sessions before you can notice improvements in the appearance of your skin. The best results are often seen after a few weeks after the last dose of treatment.