Since the pandemic forced everyone to stay indoors, educational institutions had no option other than shifting to virtual classrooms. Teachers suddenly found themselves in an unfamiliar territory and had to gain knowledge of tech tools to deliver learning to students.

Thankfully, there are certain tools that have facilitated online teaching and made it easy to keep track of student learning progress. One such revolutionary tool is a LMS that automates the delivery and management of online learning material.

With a wide variety of features and flexible LMS pricing models, it is now easier than ever to find a LMS that fits your budget and aligns with your institution’s teaching goals. Another tool that helps in delivering live classroom sessions is a web conferencing tool.

But even after making use of these amazing tools, certain online teachers find that students are not engaged or paying attention. To ensure students have a rich learning experience, here are some definite do’s and don’ts that every teacher must keep in mind when conducting online classes.

  • DO : Stay on schedule

It is vital for teachers to be prompt and show up for an online class on time. Making students wait is highly unprofessional and leads to students feeling restless. Always be the first one to show up for the class and spend the first few minutes bonding with students.

  • DON’T : Forget to do a trial run

Online teachers need to invest in a good headset so students can clearly hear what you are saying. If your laptop doesn’t have an integrated webcam, buy a high-tech one to improve the quality of your online class. It is crucial to test these and the strength of the internet connection before the class starts so student’s time doesn’t get wasted.

  • DO : Create a dedicated space

Since online teaching involves teaching from home, there may be a lot of distractions that cause interruptions during a session. To avoid this, find a distraction-free area that is quiet and set it up so you have everything you need nearby. A clear background will ensure students are not disturbed and class goes on smoothly.


  • DON’T : Provide complicated learning material

For self-paced learning material, online teachers need to ensure it is easy to understand so students can learn on their own without any difficulty. Make sure the material is divided into small sections focused on one topic at a time. This makes it easy for students to consume information and helps them retain it better.

  • DO : Try to bond with students

Online teachers must strive to connect with their students on a personal level and monitor their participation. This helps you gauge if they are facing any issues and need support. Based on their unique issues, you can tailor the help required and provide relevant solutions.

  • DON’T : Ignore students queries

No two students learn at the same pace, nor have the same capacity to retain information. This means some students will take longer to understand things and may have questions after you are done teaching a topic. This is why online teachers must always leave some time at the end of a session to address students’ questions.

  • DO : Keep realistic expectations

Online learning is tough as students often feel isolated learning alone. This may lead to lack of engagement and reduced participation. Online teachers need to identify this and try to address such issues individually with the student. Ignoring student issues and keeping unrealistic expectations that every student must perform well is not fair.


Keeping in mind the above mentioned tips will help you successfully deliver a quality learning experience to students and ensure they make the most of it.