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Leaving out information from your resume

Most resume writing advice is usually about what to include, and you’ve probably heard it all before, everything from using active verbs to applying to format, but sometimes, it’s also important to know what to leave out of your resumes. That can certainly make the difference between getting a call and not. Some of this may even conflict with what you’ve heard. But it’s a tough economy, and recruiters and employers are getting picky, so here are some suggestions.

Resume tip #1 Objectives, fluff, and bad grammar

  • Leave out empty phrases. “Demonstrated ability, exceptional communicator, self-starter, …” are clichés. No one knows what these are anymore. Back it up!
  • Leave out bad grammar. This is a no-brainer. Keep your voice consistent, and avoid shifting from first to third-person voice. When you write “I have successfully increased revenue by 30 percent”, and then “easily learns new technologies” you are switching between first and third person. This is not a good writing ploy. One of the write my paper services emphasizes, that it sounds incongruent and it gives your resume a lack of coherence. So keep your voice style consistent.
  • Leave off your job objectivesInstead, promote your “value add”, that is what it is that you do best to help your prospective employer solve his/her problems. Furthermore, be ready to walk your talk. The axiom “show, don’t tell” applies here, so back up your statements with facts, figures, and examples.

Resume tip #2-Keep it relevant

  • Leave out software that everyone uses. Knowledge of software is a must-have skill. At the very least, mention that you are familiar with the latest version of the MS Office package. There’s no need to start listing all the individual programs (unless that is specifically required in an ad). Do include any other programs you know that will put you ahead of the competition. Do mention any expertise with Social media, Web 2.0, Learning Management systems, Adobe Suite. These are hot, and the more of those you know, the better. Just make sure they are relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Leave out irrelevant experience. That summer job 16 years ago in the amusement park selling cotton candy is probably not relevant to your goals as a computer programmer. Your reader only cares about what’s of interest to him/her. What is it you can do for that person? If you are in sales, and you helped develop and design a contact database to track supplies, that’s nice, but not relevant. Consider, too, leaving out more questionable extracurricular activities that are not related to the job (are you a member of the skydiving club? The bungee jumping association? The employer doesn’t need to know that). But if you are a volunteer teaching literacy skills and you are interested in a job as an English teacher, that, of course, is more relevant to your goal).
  • Leave out that phrase “references upon request”. Hopefully, you didn’t crawl out from under a rock. Keep your references on a separate sheet, and offer them when asked. If you are a solid candidate, it is assumed you will have references.

Resume tip #3: Leave out these digits: Extra phone number, Ages, and GPA’s

  • Just one phone number please- List the number where you are most easily reached. Consider adding a second number, if necessary, but add a disclaimer such as “leave messages only”, or “call after 5 p.m.
  • Leave out discriminating information-The employer wants your skills. Unfortunately, some information can unnecessarily bias the employer. So leave out such details as your age, sex, religion, marital status, and religious or racial ethnicity. Also, avoid using photos unless you are a model, actor, TV presenter, or even in sales. Appearances matter a little more in these professions.
  • Leave out irrelevant education – If you have a lot of diplomas, certificates, and training designations, only include the ones that are relevant to your goal. Consider also leaving out the year you graduated (this will date you) or your GPA unless it was stellar.


Every resume must speak directly to an employer’s needs, and attention spans are short. So, leave off the fluff, the bad grammar, the personal details such as age, ethnicity, the extra phone numbers if possible, and any other details that don’t directly support your goal.