The art of academic writing is indeed complex and bewildering, to say the least. But, if approached properly, it can be handled quite masterfully! As a distinct type of literature, science writing comes with an extensive number of rules and requirements that every writer needs to follow. And one of the most challenging principles of academic writing is the vocabulary – academic papers need to include specific words and phrases that augment the scientific value of the paper, making it compliant with the established academic norms and standards.


As a young and ambitious student, you are probably in dire need of a vocabulary that works every time you write an essay, aren’t you? Then brace yourself – we’re laying out the most useful terms and phrases that will make your essay shoot through the roof!

Describing the Aim of the Paper

The introduction is one of the most important parts of your essay, as you are expected to explain to the reader what the aim of your paper is and what idea you will be arguing throughout your paper. In this process, students have to follow certain rules in terms of the use of vocabulary. This part of the essay often proves to be the most difficult one for many students, leading them to apply for help to writing services with the request, “write my essays.” And now, we’ll introduce you to what phrases you need to use in the introductory part of your paper.


  1. “This paper explains” – expresses the purpose of your paper.
  2. “This paper surveys/questions/explores/highlights/questions” – refers to the topic of your paper.
  3. “The paper evaluates/interprets/classifies” – describes the analytical scope of the paper.
  4. The paper outlines/highlights/sketches” – previews other sections of the paper.

Outlining the Background of the Topic

Providing the information on the topic’s background is not an easy task, either. This part requires you to include certain constructions and terms that will help you convey the main point to the reader. Using the terms and phrases we are about to cover is vital for outlining the background of your paper topic.

  1. “The subject influences/controls/regulates/directs” – this phrase is for discussing the historical significance of the subject.
  2. “The theory is widely accepted/frequently implemented” – used when explaining the historical popularity of the topic.
  3. Discussions regarding the subject have dominated research in recent years” – describes the focus on the subject and the interest that scholars have had in the subject.
  4. Prior research generally confirms that” – for identifying the current opinion about the topic.
  5. “Previous studies contend/purport/suggest/proffer” – for discussing the findings of the existing literature.
  6. The academic community has extensively explored the subject” – expressing the breadth of the current knowledge base.
  7. Recent studies have promoted” – highlights the research question.


Dealing With Analytical Elements of a Paper

  1. “This paper substantiates/confirms/corroborates/underlines” – used for expressing agreement between one finding and another.
  2. “This paper challenges/disputes/rebuts/refutes” – used for presenting contradictory findings.
  3. “This method fails to” – presents the limitations of a study.


Discussing Results

  1. “The data extrapolate/deduce/surmise/approximate” – draws inferences from the result.
  2. “The observed event or result manifested/surfaced/materialized/yielded” – describes observations.


The Bottom Line

Implementing the words and phrases for academic writing that we have provided here will largely help you increase the scholarly value of your paper as well as prove that you are familiar with the fundamentals of science writing. With academic writing, it’s important not to utilize the regular vocabulary units you are used to including in your everyday writing, as scientific information should be provided on a professional level, which requires the use of generally established terms and phrases. All you need to do is consider implementing the units we provided in this guide and try not to misuse them in your writing. The wrong use of specific terms and phases may harm your paper, making it look unprofessional and shallow. Learning to employ these units like a professional academic writer will bring you academic success in the very end!