4 Simple Ways to Improve Your Memory


This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Wouldn’t anyone appreciate having a better memory? After all, memory is fundamental to everything we do. If you woke up tomorrow with no memory at all, for example, you would be terrified and you wouldn’t know who you were, where you were, who your family and friends are, what you do for a living, etc.

Whether you are concerned about your memory or would just like to improve it, there are tangible ways that you train your memory over time. So, whether it’s working on a hobby like doing puzzles, or turning information into music, read on to learn about four simple ways that you can improve your memory.

Memory 101

To start, let’s break down memory, as it’s a rather complex phenomenon.

Memory, it may go without saying, is stored by the brain. There’s a lot going on with this storage, however.

You see, memory requires three basic functions (and that’s putting it simply!): the acquisition of information, the storing of information, and its retrieval.

There are also three basic forms of memory:

  • Sensory – Sensory memory involves the senses and is the briefest form of memory
  • Short-term – Short-term memory is vital for a short period of time but generally doesn’t need to be retained beyond that (e.g. a grocery list or a piece of trivia)
  • Long-term – Long-term memory is arguably the most important form. It requires that short-term memory be consolidated into a longer-term form of retention so that the information remains

Normally, our memories function just fine. But why are certain people cursed with seemingly poor memories compared to others?

We can explain memory loss a few different ways. Possible culprits for a weakened memory include excessive alcohol use, stress, a lack of sleep, and depression. Some medications might also alter memory, and it is widely believed that hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) may contribute to a weakened memory as well.

As mentioned, memory is a complex topic and plays a big role in our overall well-being. If you’d like more resources on the topic, you might want to check out the helpful articles offered by BetterHelp.

Now, let’s consider four simple tips for improving your memory.

4 Ways to Improve Memory

Hobbies and Brain Teasers

Hobbies and brain teasers are a great way to keep your brain stimulated, which studies suggest is essential for maintaining a strong memory with age.

Puzzles in particular can be a good challenge. You might try crosswords, traditional puzzles, word games such as the trendy Wordle or the old-school Scrabble. These are all great ways to prevent memory loss, especially with age.


There’s a reason why you students pore over flashcards until they’ve retained the information. And it’s why you can recite lines from that movie you’ve seen five times.

Repetition is key to retaining information and it’s an easy practice to implement. All you have to do is repeat the information, whether out loud, or written, or both. It appears that writing things down may help improve our retention of it.

Forget people’s names? Make an active effort next time you meet someone to repeat their name both in your head and in conversation as you look at them. This will help you make that lasting connection.

Prioritize sleep

Prioritizing sleep is always a good idea. And if it helped our memory out, too?

The brain is a sensitive organ, and without enough sleep, memory can become diminished in no time. So, one simple way of improving your memory would be to focus on getting enough sleep. For most people, 7 to 9 hours will do the trick.

As always, it’s not a bad idea to consult your doctor if you’re concerned about your sleep and/or memory.


When it comes to memory, significance plays a huge role. For example, people are much more likely to remember their wedding day than what they had for lunch 3 weeks ago (or even yesterday!).

When you want to remember something, try assigning a particular significance to it.


Memory is of vital importance for all aspects of our lives. Even if you feel like your memory is great, it never hurts to improve it!

The above tips are simple ways that you can improve your memory and, by extension, the quality of your life.