The 10 Best Places To Live After Getting a Divorce

Divorce is always connected with negative emotions, stress, and tension. Often the end of the process doesn’t mean the end of negativity in your life. Sometimes the best way to free yourself from the divorce after-effects and start a new life without the past burdening you is to move to a new place. Check out how moving a house after marriage termination can speed up your divorce recovery and review the top places to relocate to.

Why It Is Good to Move After Divorce

If you look at any advice on how to move on after a divorce, you will find a strong recommendation to change your surrounding. It can include anything from redecorating your house, changing your dearest friends, and relocating to a different city, state, or country. If you still hesitate to change your place of living following your marriage termination, check out what benefits you can get.

Clean Start

A new place will give you more space and possibilities to get a clean start. You will have nothing and no one to remind you about your failed marriage and painful past. It will be simpler for you to let your previous relationships go and to start your life from the very beginning. You will create an entirely new image in front of your neighbors and co-workers. You will make new acquaintances and live according to new better principles and priorities.

Stress Relief

Whether you file divorce online or deal with a long-term process in court, you will have negative feelings and stress burdening you during and long after the process. If you choose relocation, it will seem to you like a long vacation and help you to reduce your stress levels significantly. Without divorce-related things surrounding you, it will be easier for you to relax, regain powers and inspiration and start a new life without remorse.

Feeling Independent

Moving to a new place you can finally feel independent. You are the one to make big and small decisions. You lead the daily and private issues on your own. There are no more advisors and intruders in your life anymore, including your relatives, friends, neighbors, and ex. It will be easier for you to become financially independent as well.

Confidence Boost

If you are the one to choose where to go after divorce and what to do in your life further, your confidence will rocket significantly. When your ex has left you and your seemed-to-be-normal marriage has fallen apart, you may have experienced lowered self-esteem, and felt unloved and unattractive. While a move to a new place will help you heal and go on without any uncertainties.

New Opportunities

A new place grants you new opportunities. You can expect to find a better job, live in a more comfortable neighborhood, make new acquaintances, and develop your personal life easier. You will erase any obstacles and prejudices preventing you from becoming happy once you change your place for a living.

What Place to Choose

When you finally decide to relocate, you should choose a place that will suit your needs and preferences and invest in your happy future. You can define first whether you want to stay close to your kids if you are a non-custodial parent, reunite with your relatives, or look for better career perspectives.

Or you can review the best places to start over after divorce and pick out one of them. Here are the ten top cities around the US to move to when your marriage termination process is over:

  1. Minneapolis, MN
  2. Milwaukee, WI
  3. Detroit, MI
  4. Denver, CO
  5. Pittsburg, PA
  6. Hartford, CT
  7. Cleveland, OH
  8. Las Vegas, NV
  9. Providence, RI
  10. Kansas City, MO

The research was performed taking into account the economic factor, dating pool perspectives, and remarriage risk rates. This means that the top cities will guarantee you economic stability, and opportunities for your private life to prosper with the lowest threat of getting divorced again.

Contrast the worst suitable conditions for divorcees to start over are declared to be in New York City, NY, Memphis, TN, Virginia Beach, VA, and some more.

Still, if you have already decided where to live after divorce or have a dream place to relocate to, don’t mention the rates but implement your wishes without hesitation.

Final Words

Changing your place of living can become a huge step forward after divorce. It will grant you new powers and inspiration, boost your confidence, and guarantee free space and possibilities to start over after marriage failure. So, think thoroughly about where you want your new home to be, check out the recommended places for divorcee’s relocation, and move on to a better and happier life.