The Best Chainsaws for Home and Professional Use in 2023

Chainsaw is a necessary tool not just for arborists but for individuals as well. Cutting down trees may be needed for firewood or to keep the environment tidy and safe. The use of a chainsaw will make the cutting easy and fast.

How can you get the best chainsaws for your home or professional use? Look at all the essential details you need about getting a chainsaw for your home or professional use.

What are the Types of Chainsaw

Based on the power source, chainsaws can be categorized into several types. The main types are Gas, Electric and Cordless chainsaws. Other types can be the Pole Chainsaw and the Micro Chainsaw.

Gas Chainsaw

They are also called petrol chainsaws. These chainsaws run on gasoline and are the most potent options available. The heavy-duty nature of these tools makes them perfect for jobs like felling trees and slicing through thick branches. They are especially perfect as the best chainsaws for professionals.

Strength and durability are usually associated with them. On the contrary, gas chainsaws are very noisy when in operation. Also, they tend to emit a lot of fumes due to the burning of the gasoline fuel they use.

Electric/Corded chainsaws

These saws get their power from an electrical outlet via a power cord, hence the name corded. Because of their reduced weight and noise levels compared to gas-powered models, electric chainsaws are a preferable option for homeowners concerned with emissions or those working in enclosed spaces. The need for an electrical outlet can limit their usage to some specific places.

Cordless chainsaws

These are comparable to electric chainsaws in that both run on electrical power sources. Cordless chainsaws make use of batteries that are usually rechargeable. The best battery chainsaws have the added convenience of portability and ease of use. If you need to move about while operating the chainsaw, then this type is a smart option for you.

How to Choose the Best Chainsaw

It can be hard to make a pick of chainsaw out of the many kinds that are available in the market. To ease this process, there are important factors to consider.

Intended Purpose

The first thing to consider when making a purchase decision on the best battery chainsaws is your intended purpose. IT goes beyond just to cut trees or clear bushes, are you planning to execute some serious project involving felling trees? Do you plan to use it for heavy-duty tasks like felling large trees, or for more delicate tasks like pruning and cutting branches? Depending on the answer, you’ll require a different-sized or more powerful chainsaw.

Chainsaw Type

Which chainsaw type fits the intended purpose you stated above? Is it the one that runs on gas, electricity, or batteries? If your intended purpose is to work in a remote place where there may not be a power outlet, then a corded electric chainsaw is out of the option. One of the best battery chainsaws may work for you if the work is not so rigorous. Of the three types, the gas chainsaw remains best to rigorous cuttings.

Bar Length

The maximum log diameter that can be cut is directly proportional to the bar length. When deciding on a bar length, think about the diameter of the logs you plan to cut. As a simple guide, the bar length should be longer than the diameter of the tree it intends to cut. The bar should be about 5 cm longer than the wood. This means that bigger trees require bigger or longer bar lengths and vice versa.

Safety Features

The use of a chainsaw requires a great deal of caution to prevent any form of accident or injury. It is then very expedient to consider the safety features before making the decision to buy. Automatic oiling, a chain brake controlled by inertia, and a low-vibration grip are all features you should look for in a safe chainsaw.

Ease of use

As a follow up to checking safety features, you should check the ease of using whichever one you buy. The weight of the chainsaw, the handle grip and the engine starts are important factors to consider under the ease of use. You must be able to carry the tool comfortably to avoid any form of injury while operating it.


Chainsaws can be found for as little as a few hundred dollars to well over a thousand. As you shop for a chainsaw, keep in mind both your financial constraints and the features you’ll actually use. You need to draw a line of best fit between all the factors that have been mentioned in alignment with your budget.

Final Bit

There is going to be at least one chainsaw that fits into your need, budget and has the right amount of safety features. You only need to align the important factors to get the best one for you. Check through the best chainsaws in Australia!