The Divorce Waiting Period in Oklahoma: What It Is & Why It’s Beneficial


“Divorce is never a pleasant experience. You look upon it as a failure. But I learned to be a different person once we broke up. Sometimes you learn more from failure than you do from success.”

Michael Crawford

quick divorce

In Oklahoma, couples seeking to end their marriage by filing for divorce must undergo a mandatory waiting period before the legal dissolution takes effect. This prescribed procedure serves as a time for reflection and potential reconciliation. The duration of this waiting period varies based on whether the couple has minor children or not, particularly when considering filing for divorce in Oklahoma online.

The purpose of the waiting period is to reduce impulsive decisions. During this time, the spouses will consider all aspects of the separation before finalizing the court proceedings. Proponents of this stage believe that this period benefits families and helps them make thoughtful decisions rather than acting hastily, guided by emotions.

Waiting period for families with and without children

For couples without minor children, the waiting period is usually 10 days from the date of filing the divorce petition. During this time, both parties have the opportunity to reconsider their decision and explore alternatives, such as counseling or mediation. This gives them the opportunity to consider the possible consequences of divorce.

On the other hand, if the couple has minor children, Oklahoma law provides for a waiting period of up to 90 days before a divorce is granted. Divorces involving children require additional time due to custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and child support. The extended waiting period ensures that parents have ample opportunity to make informed decisions about their children’s welfare.

Understanding the purpose and benefits of the waiting period

One of the key benefits of a waiting period is its potential to prevent hasty decisions. A divorce is a dramatic event that has long-term consequences for both spouses and their children. A reflection period encourages couples to explore all possible avenues before permanently breaking the bonds of marriage. During this time, they may seek counseling from a psychologist or mediation.

The waiting period allows spouses to make informed choices about issues such as property division, financial arrangements, child custody, and alimony obligations. During the divorce process, emotions often run high, making it difficult for people to objectively assess all aspects of a divorce. The waiting period allows for clearer thinking and better decision-making based on rationality rather than impulsive reaction.

While some may view the waiting period as an unnecessary delay, its purpose is to minimize hasty actions triggered by temporary emotions or conflicts.

How to file divorce in Oklahoma

Key factors to consider during the waiting period

While waiting for a divorce in Oklahoma, couples are advised to consider several key factors that can significantly affect their future. First, they should assess their financial situation and assets: joint bank accounts, investments, movable and immovable property, and debts. Understanding the financial implications of a divorce is crucial when it comes to a fair settlement and ensuring long-term financial stability.

Second, during this period, parents should prioritize the well-being of their children. They should determine the terms of custody and develop visitation schedules that are in the best interests of the minors. Open communication between both parents is vital in determining how to create a stable and supportive environment for children after a divorce.

Individuals going through a divorce should seek emotional support during the waiting period. This is a difficult time filled with stress, grief, anger, or confusion. Psychotherapy sessions or attending support groups can help people effectively manage these emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Taking time to reflect on different aspects allows for a clear and focused approach to negotiations to achieve positive outcomes for themselves and the children involved.

How to navigate the legal requirements and paperwork during this period

During this time, it is very important to gather all necessary documents related to marital assets, debts, income, and expenses: financial statements, bank account records, property titles, mortgage statements, credit card bills, tax returns, and any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements. These documents will play a crucial role in dividing property and determining alimony obligations.

It is important to have meaningful conversations with your spouse about child custody arrangements. Discussing visitation schedules and co-parenting plans during this waiting period allows both parties to consider the best interests of their children before finalizing any decisions.

Use this waiting period as an opportunity to explore alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, etc. These approaches create a more amicable environment for resolving conflicts and reaching mutually acceptable solutions without going to court.

Exploring counseling and mediation options during the waiting period

During the waiting period for a divorce in Oklahoma, couples have the option of exploring alternatives such as marriage counseling and mediation. These services help couples navigate the difficulties of their relationship and find common ground. In individual or joint counseling sessions, they can openly discuss their problems, emotions, and goals for the future. This process allows for a deeper understanding of themselves and each other, leading to improved communication and conflict-resolution skills.

Mediation is another avenue couples can take during the waiting period. A neutral, third-party mediator facilitates discussions between the spouses to help them reach mutually acceptable solutions to various aspects of the divorce settlement, including property division and child custody arrangements. Mediation encourages collaborative problem-solving rather than adversarial litigation, empowering couples to make decisions that best fit their unique circumstances while reducing animosity and the potential long-term damage caused by contentious courtroom battles.

By utilizing counseling or mediation services while awaiting divorce, couples can find alternative ways to address underlying issues in their marriage. This period creates a safe space for open dialogue and offers practical strategies for constructive conflict resolution. The alternatives promote cooperation between the spouses, leading to a peaceful and amicable settlement.

Financial implications during the waiting period for divorce

The waiting period allows people to assess the potential financial impact of a divorce on their lives. This primarily concerns alimony and property division. This time provides an opportunity for both parties to consult with financial advisors or divorce attorneys who can provide guidance on how to effectively address these complex issues.

The waiting period often becomes a chance for spouses to review their budgetary needs and plan for their future lives after the divorce. This gives them enough time to adjust financially by exploring employment opportunities or revising their budget to reflect their new circumstances.

While it is understandable that some people may feel uneasy about the additional time, it is important to recognize its importance in addressing financial aspects and ensuring a fair outcome during the Oklahoma divorce process.