The Latest Advances in Drug Repurposing: From Computational Methods to Clinical Trials

The medical field is always at work, trying to improve, enhance, and find better solutions to each problem. No matter what your reasons for using a specific type of drug are, it can leave an unwanted side effect or may even be helpful to the body.

Medicines are being repurposed and repositioned to be effective without causing any risk to the body. However, just because a drug has an intended purpose doesn’t mean it can’t be used to treat or promote healing for other issues. This is where the latest advances in drug repurposing: from computational methods to clinical trials, come in.

In this article, you will find more details and information about how repurposing certain drugs can either help you or be risky for your health.

The Latest Advances in Drug Repurposing

Drugs are constantly being tried, tested, and observed under a microscope and through computational methods to get the best and most reliable results. This means one drug doesn’t have to be effective for any specific issue, only without compromising one’s health.

Here’s a list of some drugs that have recently been proven to have been repurposed without being a risk to the body that has also gone from computational methods to clinical trials –


Minoxidil has long been used to prevent and control hypertension or high blood pressure among patients across the globe. This drug can allow the blood to flow freely and easily through the blood vessels after being relaxed, reducing the force and pressure on the heart, causing higher blood pressure.

Although minoxidil has shown promise in controlling high blood pressure, it has also shown several side effects, which may be suitable for some and not as much for others.

Minoxidil has been proven to lead to weight gain, skin irritation at the application site, and hair growth. This drug has been consistently proven to be increasingly influential in hair regrowth, regeneration, and hair fall.

Since it already does release the muscles of blood vessels and promotes better blood flow, naturally, better hair growth is inevitable. It is also responsible for stimulating follicle movement and extending the follicle growth. However, some may not be as comfortable with this repurposing of the drug as it can also improve hair growth throughout your body.


Since its introduction, aspirin has been the go-to remedy for most common diseases, such as colds, fever, headaches, and pain relief. Aspirin consumption inhibits an enzyme that can produce prostaglandins, which simultaneously aid healing, among several other processes. This drug has been used for many issues and has been highly relied upon due to its effectiveness. However, thorough research shows that aspirin can also treat more complex issues like cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

A study has shown results that aspirins can reduce the risks of cardiovascular issues and can also play a role in preventing cancers. Administration of low-dose aspirins has resulted in a 21% risk reduction for cardiovascular diseases.

Aspirins are known to inhibit blood clotting. This means the blood vessels in the body are less likely to become narrower due to the improved blood flow, thus, preventing primary cardiovascular diseases. However, although this is instead a newer discovery, there have been requests to reassure the long-term effects of this form of treatment.


The use of sildenafil began as a potential remedy for those who have erectile dysfunction. However, upon consistent trial, computational experiments, and thorough research, it is possible to conclude that this drug can also be repurposed in treating patients who suffer from high blood pressure.

Sildenafil promotes blood flow which stimulates and leads to an erection. This drug is responsible for causing the blood to flow more efficiently and at a more consistent rate as a result of relaxing the blood vessels in the lungs.

The dosage and strength of these capsules vary based on what you use them for. For erectile dysfunction, capsules range from 25mg-100mg depending on your needs and their effect on the body. That said, the lower strength of the same capsule is recommended multiple times daily. For an average adult, 20mg of sildenafil is recommended thrice daily. However, the strength of the capsule depends on your needs.

Dimethyl Fumarate

Dimethyl is a white powder initially used to protect leather goods and maintain their shine without splitting, cracking, or discoloration. This powder is said to carry antifungal characteristics that prevent bacterial build-up that damages leather items. It can prevent or at least significantly slow down mold growth on leather items and has been used in industrial factories widely.

However, after years of computational trials and errors, it has recently been discovered that the same powder that protects leathered goods can be repurposed medically and help treat plaque psoriasis. Dimethyl fumarate can be medically prescribed to help soothe dry, itchy, peeling skin and promote healing.

DMF has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and immunomodulatory characteristics, significantly aiding in psoriasis healing. Upon long-term observation, treatments, and repurposing, it can be safely concluded that this drug can prevent skin irritation-causing elements that lead to psoriasis. However, users must also be aware that this is a very potent drug to trigger allergies.

Bottom Line

Medicine advancements are under ongoing trials, errors, tests, and observations to ensure they perform their intended tasks without hindering one’s health. While it is true that drugs may serve more than just a cure for one issue, certain drugs do the opposite.

Instead of serving more than one purpose out of one drug, it could leave you with detrimental side effects. This is why the latest advances in drug repurposing: from computational methods to clinical trials, are useful.

It is crucial to consult your doctor first about what purpose you use a drug to prevent any adverse effects. However, even though you have noticed its benefits, if you do use a drug for a reason it is not intended for, you may be exposing yourself to dangers.