Why is New Technology Important to Teenager Essay Example

The article you are about to read is an example of a technology argumentative essay. You can find inspiration on how to write an essay that highlights the pros and cons of technology, especially for teenagers.

Technology is everywhere we go, from smartphones and laptops to everyday furnaces like ovens and lamps. Everything is connected to the network or at least needs electricity to function.

Teenagers these days were born in the era of technology, and thus it’s natural they live connected. There is always a discussion regarding whether the Internet is good or bad for people. Older generations are reluctant to accept new technologies, while millennials and gen Z look forward to new experiences.

But is there a straight answer to whether new technologies are good or bad? As with everything, you can find advantages and downsides to each point of view. This essay by OmniPapers aims to explore each side and come to a common-ground solution.

Teenagers and the Internet

PewResearch suggests that 45% of teenagers are constantly online, at least in the United States. More than 90% have access to a smartphone and a steady Internet connection, so it’s natural they engage in social activities like Instagram or Snapchat.

There is nothing wrong per se with having social media. It can become detrimental to the younger generations’ mental health, but moderation might be the key to balancing things. Teenagers who spend most of their day online might suffer from more anxiety and depression.

The same survey shows that some teenagers think social media helps connect with their loved ones, while others believe it encourages bullying and harmful behavior. One Harvard article points out that teenagers now experience more sleepiness, worry, and loneliness. Is it due to technology and social media?

As they explain, correlation does not equal causation. New technology may be the cause of these mental health issues. But it could also be the other way around: The rise of mental health issues leads to more social media use to evade reality. Or they may feed each other back.

Each teen and situation is different, and so should be the approach. That said, there are some common advantages and downsides to using new technologies for teenagers.

Advantages of New Technologies

More Information

The Internet allows teenagers and adults to find information they wouldn’t otherwise. They don’t longer need to head to the library to find that one book that will solve their questions and doubts. Everything is a click away, though that also means a higher necessity for checking the facts we consume as a society.


People can now keep in touch with loved ones miles away, even in other countries. Long-distance relationships have become more common, and Internet friends are now the norm. Being able to connect with anyone in the world is a huge advance, though it also comes with the problem of distinguishing between real individuals and catfishes.

Culture Access

It’s easier than ever to borrow a book from your online library, find a movie online, or consume high-quality documentaries on platforms like YouTube. Social media networks and the Internet can be powerful educational tools for students and teenagers. People who used to struggle with accessing culture and entertainment are one click away now, which may help reduce socioeconomic differences.

Intergenerational Support

We can define intergenerational support as: “The different forms of assistance between parents and children, including emotional support, informal care, financial assistance, or practical assistance.”

Technologies may encourage this exchange of help and support. Parents and grandparents may not grasp their new devices and could use a hand from gen Z and millennials. On the other hand, adults know better when it comes to people with bad intentions and life in general. Thus, they can guide the younger ones through the world.

Disadvantages of New Technologies

Too Much (False) Information

Accessing thousands and millions of articles and websites doesn’t mean the information is reliable. In fact, fake news are on the rise. 80% of Americans have consumed fake news, and many individuals, especially students, can’t distinguish between true and false data. Educating people on this matter could help erase the problem.

Frauds and Scams

As new technologies spread, Internet scams have become more common, which is particularly problematic for older generations. Millennials can help them spot fraudulent activity on their smartphones or laptops – Which is another example of intergenerational support.


Fear of Missing Out is an object of interest in the fields of Psychology and Sociology. Since everything advances so quickly on the Internet, people who stay away from social media fear they will get outdated and unable to maintain a conversation with friends and family. FOMO correlates with depression and other psychological and physiological problems, which is undoubtedly a downside to Internet use.

Final Words

There is no straight answer to whether new technologies are good or bad for teenagers and younger generations. Every coin has two sides, as observed in this essay. Too much information can be a good and bad thing, and the same goes for connectivity and globalization.

What is clear is that social media and new technologies are here to stay. Instead of fighting back and going Internet-free, which would harm the economy and politics of every country, we ought to teach teenagers how to navigate safely and moderately through the Internet.