Kratom is quickly growing into a sensational supplement globally. It’s relatively a new discovery, especially to the western part of the world, as researchers try to explore the possible benefits and effects that come with its use. However, preliminary studies and many testimonies from Kratom users indicate that it is indeed beneficial and may remedy a number of conditions, including insomnia, anorexia, pain, depression, and anxiety.


Given that a Kratom leaf comes in various strains, it may be helpful to know which ones help with anxiety and depression, especially for prospective and new users.

Is Kratom Safe to Use?

There are over 40 alkaloids in kratom leaves. These dictate the potency and effectiveness of Kratom. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are alkaloids that act as the main active ingredients of Kratom. Both of these alkaloids are responsible for the various effects Kratom has on the body.


These two compounds are present on the leaves of Kratom and interact with the opioid receptors in your body to deliver analgesic properties, calmness, and euphoric feelings. Moreover, kratom behaves like opioids but is much safer and natural. It doesn’t give the user the long-term effect of actual opioids. Below is a walk-through into some of the best strains that will help remedy both anxiety and depression.

Green Hulu Kratom

Green Hulu Kratom comes from the Kapuas Hulu region, deep in Borneo Island. This strain is very rare in the market because the region it grows in is quite inaccessible. Its alkaloid content is very high, and it has numerous benefits. Due to its ability to help patients with anxiety and depression cope and manage stress, many Kratom users have given it a lot of traction and it’s widely accepted.

energy-boosting capabilities of White Vein Kratom Strains improves the mental stability and mood of the user to give an overall sensation of well-being and calmness. If your mental instability gets out of hand, give this strain a try. It may help you lead a healthy life that is free from depressive and anxious feelings.

White Thai Kratom

White Thai is renowned for its ability to induce a feeling of calmness and euphoria after use. Unlike other strains, White Thai Kratom effects are long-lasting even when you take moderately low doses. It can come in handy during an anxiety attack as it will remedy feelings of panic.


It brings sensations of general relaxation to the mind and body of the user by increasing blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body. This way, it helps remedy the symptoms of anxiety and depression. For example, it can reduce an increased heartbeat brought on by anxiety. This strain is also great as an energy booster and for an increase of focus.

Green Maeng Da Kratom

Green Maeng Da comes from Thailand and is pretty popular globally, particularly in the United States. People with depression and anxiety usually withdraw and avoid social scenes because they lack self-confidence. It’s another strain commonly known for its fast-acting euphoric effects that are also long-lasting, and it could help with this.

Apart from that, it also gives the user a boost of energy because feelings of fatigue lead to a bad mood, which further increases the feelings of depression and anxiety.

Red Thai Kratom

With Red Thai Kratom, you can avoid the adverse effects of depression and anxiety, which influence how your day goes. It’s one of the most potent strains when it comes to alkaloid concentration.


Red Thai Kratom is a stabilizer of moods and will induce feelings of happiness which are actually antagonistic to the symptoms of depression and anxiety. If you consistently experience episodes of depression and anxiety, you may want to try Red Thai Kratom.

White Borneo Kratom

Based on your body’s metabolism and the dose you take, White Borneo Kratom will deliver a variety of effects, ranging from increased focus to pain relief. Compared to the other strains on this list, it’s mildly effective for anxiety and depression, but that doesn’t mean it won’t do the job.


White Borneo Kratom has an exceptionally high concentration of alkaloids, and it’s the most popular white vein variant in today’s Kratom market. It delivers pleasant but mild sensations when used, and it will leave you feeling happy and confident.

This strain helps with anger, mood swings, and sadness, which stand out as some of the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It’s important to use it in moderate doses when you want to experience the euphoric-rich effects it offers, as higher doses will sedate you. Furthermore, it can also keep you focused and energized, so you can swap out your daily coffee for this strain.

Red Bali Kratom

If you ask a Kratom enthusiast to list the best strains for anxiety and depression, Red Bali Kratom will not miss on their list. This strain is popular for its euphoric-inducing sensations, especially in people who experience periodic anxiety. The strain reduces stress and anxiety and spikes your general mood. Red Bali Kratom is among the most potent strains, and it has a high content of Mitragynine.


Kratom has many benefits to both the body and mind. It has become a great help to many people around the world who suffer from various ailments like anxiety and depression. While there may be several strains of Kratom, the ones above are the most effective in helping with depression and anxiety.