There is a lot of buzz around the term Artificial Intelligence in today’s industry, and that too, for good reasons. Artificial Intelligence has progressed a lot in the field of technology. Gartner’s report states that AI gave rise to approximately 2.3 million worldwide by the end of 2020.

Artificial Intelligence stimulates human intellect that is programmed by you and done by machines. These machines must learn how to reason and conduct self-correction when needed. Artificial intelligence can be accomplished by studying how your brain learns, thinks, decides, and works when solving a problem. Then you may use the study’s outcome to develop the basis of various intelligent systems and software.

On this note, a tutorial on artificial intelligence is exactly what you need to understand its fundamentals. This post can serve as a tutorial that provides intermediate and basic information on the various concepts of AI, such as its meaning, importance, applications, and future.

What Is Artificial Intelligence? 

The definition of artificial intelligence might vary depending on who you are asking. A layperson with basic knowledge of the technology would associate it with robots.  

An artificial intelligence (AI) researcher would respond that it refers to the set of algorithms that may produce outcomes without needing to be explicitly told to do so. In simple terms, artificial intelligence refers to an intellectual entity formed by a human that can perform various tasks intelligently without instructing it explicitly. It can think and act humanely and rationally.  

AI is a part of computer science, primarily concerned with simulating or developing human intellect in machines. But what characterizes an intelligent machine? Machine learning and deep learning techniques fuels many AI systems. What was once a component of AI may now be a computer function because AI is continually growing. For instance, a calculator might have once been a component of AI. It has redefined finance companies like Finixio AI, which employs AI, which is an added benefit for the customers.  

Importance Of Artificial Intelligence 

From a technical point of view, the key objective of AI is to boost human capabilities by enabling you to make advanced decisions with comprehensive consequences. However, from a philosophical perspective, AI has made human lives easier, allowing you to live a meaningful life without putting in much effort. AI can manage the complicated web of interconnected companies, individuals, nations, or states to operate in a way that proves beneficial for humanity.  

Today, different techniques and tools humans have invented over the past few decades use artificial intelligence. It has now simplified human effort enabling you to make better decisions. Artificial intelligence is among the best inventions ever made that can further help invent ground-breaking services and tools. It is likely to change the ways one leads their life by removing inequality, human suffering, and strife.  

Undoubtedly, there is still a long way to go to attain these outcomes. Hopefully, there’s some scope in the future. Mostly, companies are using artificial intelligence to improve their business processes, automate heavy tasks, and predict business-related data. Overall, AI has become a significant concept that benefits you in more than one way, like creating innovative opportunities and improving productivity.  

Levels of Artificial Intelligence 

There are three different categories of artificial intelligence, namely,  

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

These machines are goal-oriented and designed to perform single tasks. However, they are intelligent but usually function with minimal limitations. It cannot mimic your intelligence but can stimulate your behavior based on specific parameters. It uses Natural Language Processing to perform various tasks. 

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)-

This refers to the idea that machines can imitate human intelligence and showcase their ability to solve problems using their intelligence. Some properties of Artificial General Intelligence include- Recall, Recognition, Imagination, Hypothesis testing, Implication, and Analogy.  

Artificial Super-intelligence (ASI)

Today, super-intelligence is more or less a hypothetical idea. This level of super-intelligence could lead machines to surpass human capabilities and become self-aware. Such artificial super-intelligence may be developed soon, but currently, it does not exist.  

Common Applications of Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence has made its way into various sectors and industries and redefined them. From healthcare to gaming, AI’s applications have now increased to a great extent. Facial recognition in devices and Google map applications uses artificial intelligence technology. AI is all around you and has become a part of your life in multiple ways. Here are some typical applications of Artificial Intelligence:

  • Google’s AI-powered predictions (Google Maps) 
  • AI Autopilot in Commercial Flights 
  • Ride-sharing applications (Uber, Lyft) 
  • Spam filters on emails 
  • Crypto Trading 
  • Plagiarism checkers and tools 
  • Search Recommendations 
  • Smart personal assistants (Siri, Alexa) 
  • Voice-to-text features 
  • Fraud protection and prevention 
  • Objectives Of Artificial Intelligence 

Now that you know what artificial intelligence means, its levels, and its application, understand the various goals of Artificial Intelligence. Its purpose is to allow computers and machines to learn to function intelligently. Besides that, it does the following.  

Develop Problem-Solving Ability 

Artificial intelligence research focuses on developing an effective problem-solving algorithm that can simulate human reasoning and make logical deductions when solving complicated puzzles. AI’s problem-solving capacity makes life easier as you can now assign complex tasks to reliable artificial intelligence to simplify them.  


Programmers can create goals for the AI system through planning, and the system can work toward those goals. The goals enable a vision for the future, such as providing the AI system with sufficient knowledge to carry out an action or think of something relevant to upcoming occurrences.

Machine Learning 

Machine learning is more of an application of AI than another primary objective. It is a branch of study that examines the algorithms and statistical models that computer systems employ to carry out a given task without explicit instructions successfully.  


Robotics is a subset of AI because it is one of the key objectives. Be aware that the fields of computer science, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, and information engineering are all included in the interdisciplinary field of robotics. 

Final Words  

This tutorial will enable you to understand the cores of Artificial Intelligence better. Over the past three years, the demand for AI talents has doubled. And there has been an increase in AI-related job postings by up to 119%. You can look for a career as a machine learning engineer, data scientist, business intelligence developer, research scientist, big data engineer, etc.