Budgeting your finances can feel like a daunting task, but it’s completely doable even for novice savers. If you’re striking out on your own and moving into your first place, you might feel unsure where to begin. Understanding where you can make the smartest decisions with your money and the simple tricks to saving will keep you focused, your anxiety managed, and keep you ahead of any potential hurdles that may come your way.

Let’s dissect the four simplest ways to navigate your budget and sustain your independent living.

Take Advantage of Budgeting Apps

There’s an app for just about everything nowadays, so it’s only fitting there are options available for budgeters too. It’s never been easier to find assistance if you’re new to budgeting. Every situation is different, so you may need to experiment with more than one app before you find the one that works best for you. There are a number of free apps available, so it won’t impact your budget.

Build Your Credit

Once you’re out on your own, your credit score is one of the most important elements of your personal finance. Your credit can have a major impact on the quality of life you’re able to sustain. If you’ve never had credit, start with a credit card and charge small amounts that you know you can pay off immediately to keep your spending controlled.

When you maintain healthy credit it often dictates the kind of home or car you can purchase. If you have any student loans or any outstanding payments, ensuring you pay those installments on-time will also help build your overall score.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you find yourself with irregular cash flow or a temporary shortage, there are alternate ways to find financial relief. Payday loans could be something to consider if you only require short-term assistance. Unlike traditional lending options, these loans are simpler and more efficient. The right lender — such as GoDay — should be able to eliminate any red tape you would typically encounter, so you have your money faster than you would with a traditional lender.

Establish an Emergency Fund

Once you’ve organized your weekly or monthly finances, it’s time to start thinking about the unexpected. Independent living comes with its own perks but it also comes with more responsibility. Building an emergency fund offers peace of mind and support, should you find yourself with an expense you didn’t previously budget for — this could be anything from a medical emergency to replacing something in your car or your home.

The amount can vary depending on the individual but the average savings recommended is at least three months, and many suggest as many as six months if it’s doable.

You’ve made the decision to move out and live on your own and that’s an important step in adulthood. From that moment on you need to be committed to balancing your budget and making smart spending decisions, so that you can sustain your lifestyle and plan for your future. By taking these necessary steps, you’re easing any stress or anxiety around your finances and setting yourself up for success.