Getting a car loan is one of the best ways to ensure that you can get yourself into the driver’s seat of a vehicle that meets your individual requirements. There are a lot of great options out there when it comes to choosing an online car loans. Regardless of what loan you choose for the purchase of a car, you will have a repayment schedule that you will need to follow. At the same time, there are some real benefits to paying off your car loan early if you are able to.

Chief among the benefits of paying off your car loan early is the fact that it can eventually help to free up additional cash that you can put toward other things. In many cases, paying off your car loan early can end up lowering your insurance premiums. Paying off your car loan early can also end up saving you money when it comes to the total amount of interest that you are charged. With a number of benefits available, here are some suggestions that you can follow to pay your car loan early.

Find Out If You Can Pay Your Monthly Payment in Two Week Installments

One of the first steps to take to pay off your car loan early is to enquire with your loan provider whether or not it is possible to pay half of your monthly loan payment every two weeks instead of once per month. Though at face value, this might seem like it will not make a big difference, the reality is that doing this means that you will make 26 half-payments per year. In the end, you will make 13 full monthly payments per year instead of 12. In the long run, this could help you pay off your car loan early and reduce the overall interest paid on the loan.

Make Sure You Never Miss a Payment

Another step that you can take to ensure that you pay off your car loan early is to simply never miss a payment on your schedule. Missed payments can lead to costly penalties that draw out the length of time that it takes you to pay off your car loan.

Try to Make One Extra-Large Car Payment Each Year of Your Loan Term

Another proven method of paying your car loan early is to try and make at least one extra-large payment per year. Doing this knocks off a more substantial amount of your total debt than your normal payments do. It can also help you pay off your car loan earlier than you expected. .

Consider Rounding Up Your Payments

Rounding up your car loan payments is another great way to succeed in paying off your car loan early. To do this, you will round your payments up to the next level of 50. This will add up significantly over time. The end result is that you will succeed at paying off your car loan early. From there, you can take advantage of the many benefits that this affords you.

If Additional Funds Come Your Way, Consider Using Them to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early

A final suggestion that you might consider when it comes to the topic of paying off your car loan early is to put any additional funds that come your way toward paying off your car loan. This extra money could come in the form of a tax refund, a raise you received at your job, or a work bonus that you earned. Whenever you come into extra money that you did not previously have access to, it can be worth putting it towards paying off your car loan early.

Following these suggestions can make a big difference for you as you work toward paying off your car loan earlier than scheduled. The benefits of paying off your car loan early can really be worth it in many cases. If you are capable of paying off your car loan early, it is something that you should seriously consider. Early or adjusted repayment options may differ depending on your lenders’ terms so it is always worth speaking with your lender first to see whether they can accommodate some of these options.


By: Raymond James

About the Author:

Ray is a sought after thought leader and an expert in financial and money management. He has been published and featured in over 50 leading sites and aims to contribute articles to help novice financial planners. One of his goals is to impart his knowledge in finance to educate and help ordinary people create and achieve their financial goals.