It’s not a so well-known fact that dairy farms and every “farm” that uses animals for commercial reasons seem to disrespect and torture the animals for profit. Sometimes animals become completely useless to them and the most dreadful things can happen to them! This is the story of Calvin, a cute and loving male calf that managed to escape slaughter and live a happy and fulfilling life with a rather strange friend!
20. Calvin, The Calf
Calvin was a pretty cute and energetic calf. He was born to a dairy cow mother in Ontario, Canada. Calvin was removed from his mother immediately after his birth so his mom could continue producing milk for commercial purposes, a common practice on dairy cow farms.
19. Placed In A Constricted Space
When Calvin was taken away from his mom, the farm owners put him in an isolated pen where he could barely move his legs and head. The poor calf couldn’t stretch his legs, but there were more dreadful things to be afraid of!
18. He Could Be Slaughtered
Unfortunately for the calves, male calves are useless for dairy farms as they doesn’t produce any milk and they are usually slaughtered. This would be the case for Calvin if some people under the name of Black Goat Farm And Sanctuary didn’t decide to save him!
17. Black Goat Farm And Sanctuary
Black Goat Farm And Sanctuary rescuers were more than determined to save Calvin! They asked the farm owner to give Calvin to them and hoped to save him from an untimely death. The farm owner agreed and the calf was taken to the sanctuary. But that’s not where Calvin’s story would end.
16. It Was The Beginning!
One would assume that our story ends here, but this was only the beginning! Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary wasn’t just saving farm animals from sure death but they were also determined to provide them with love and care. They want all the animals to live a full and fulfilling life!
15. Made Friends
When Calvin arrived in the sanctuary he was immediately introduced to the other animals there. He didn’t lose a second and Calvin started to make friends, including some of the farm’s dogs. What happened will make you say “aww”!
14. Best Friends
The two dogs loved Calvin from the first meeting! It was love on first sight! They turned on protective mode for him and made him feel comfortable in his new home. One dog, in particular, developed a special bond with him!
13. Lincoln
Lincoln, one of the two dogs that approached Calvin, seemed to really like him and would hardly leave him alone for a second. He was always keeping an eye on him, in order to protect him, as well as playing and eating his lunch with Calvin. A special relationship was forming!
12. Somehow He Knew
It was like somehow Lincoln knew about what Calvin had already been through and he did his best to offer him the best. He helped him discover every place in the sanctuary, he played and ran with him, as well as giving him time to relax and rest!
11. Spending Time Together
They indeed were spending quite a lot of time together, getting drinks and eating delicious food. They were also enjoying the sunshine while sunbathing and enjoying the peace the sanctuary had to offer!
10. Not So Serious
Of course, Lincoln being the curious dog he was, couldn’t help but bring Calvin with him on his adventures! They were getting plenty of quality playing time and doing naughty things that were making the sanctuary owners laugh out loud!
9. The Art Of Begging
It was also obvious Lincoln had something to do with Calvin’s behavior! Calvin could constantly beg for more food, something the staff assumed he learned from Lincoln!
8. Bad Things Were Past
Calvin had a great chance to recover from the dreadful things he was once afraid of. Being born on a dairy farm isn’t the best thing that can happen for a calf’s mental health.
7. Lincoln Was Like A Mother To Him
Lincoln was like a mother for Calvin and Calvin seemed to appreciate it! Being torn apart from his mom at such a young age can be detrimental to a calf’s health. Lincoln was there to reassure that this didn’t happen!
6. Thankful To The Organisation
If it wasn’t for Black Goat Farm And Sanctuary Calvin’s future could have been depressing. Even if they didn’t slaughter him right away, they would have raised him in poor health conditions and in an isolated space until he was able to mate with a cow.
5. Not Every One Is So Lucky
Megan Mostacci, the co-founder of Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary, described later that their job isn’t always easy and wonderful and that some animals may be treated worse when they are transferred to sanctuaries. She later explained her views on a Facebook post.
4. The Facebook Post
“A lot of people think that sanctuary life is fun – lots of animals to cuddle and get kisses from. I wish that were all true. While we are lucky and get to unwind with animal cuddles and love – it isn’t always so wonderful,” stated Megan Mostacci.
3. A Photo To Remember
For everyone to remember the photo of Calvin and Lincoln the rescuers decided to take a very special photo, starring Calvin!
2. Symbolism
In the photo, Calvin stands next to a tree. A symbolic gesture of hope and promise that if we work together we are capable to make a difference.
1. We Wish Them The Best
We surely wish the best for Calvin and Lincoln. We are sure they will live happy and fulfilling lives in the sanctuary. And if anything happens, they have each other!