Having your photo taken can be awkward at times like, the DMV for example – but we imagine having your mugshot taken is even worse. However these perps decided to be silly, creepy, or downright odd in their infamous pictures. Take a look for yourself!

All About the Angles

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:N6JPi2O_5d5542c2bfaee.jpg

This guy knows how to work his angles. Something tells us this is not his first rodeo in the slammer! Work it, bro!

Eye, Eye, Eye, Papi!

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:qVbWhHO_5d5542c30adb3.jpg

This is Dale Cregan, aka “One Eye” (for obvious reasons!) He is in jail for 4 counts of murder. His eye was allegedly carved out, but nobody knows for sure.

Maybe it’s Maybelline…

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…or maybe it’s meth. Our bet is on the latter. Maybe she can hone her makeup skills while she’s locked up!

The Ravioli Bandit

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:IU54h95_5d5542c39a8c7.jpg

Who needs DNA testing? This is Michael Don Mitchell; he was busted by the Chef Boyardee ravioli sauce on his face. He was busted for stealing $87 from a home and eating a can of ravioli. (He also looks like an uncanny, shiny robot in his mugshot. Eek!)


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This guy looks like he is having a blast posing for the camera. Perhaps he isn’t aware that he is at the police station.

Reverse Vampire

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This is Kelsey Smith. He was arrested for DUI. While in the cop car he smashed his head and face into the roof and window of the car and spat blood on the police officers. Good call, Kelsey. Brilliant.

Giraffe Jail

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This guy looks like he just looked into a mirror and saw his neck for the first time. He also looks under the influence of something.


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This guy must’ve been arrested for a crime of makeup. He has that scary lady televangelist vibe going on. Yikes!

The Camera Adds 10(0) Pounds

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This is Victor Joseph Espinoza. He weighs a hefty 425 pounds and was arrested for false imprisonment of a 10-year-old boy… and “sniffing his arm.” We are kind of glad this creep is off the streets. Ew!

Good Strategy

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If you have to get your mugshot blasted all over those embarrassing gas station papers, you might as well hide your face the best you can. For some reason Arizona let this mugshot of Marcela Hernandez fly.


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We found the real Momo. This woman is terrifying and was arrested for child abuse. Good riddance!

A Lot to Unpack

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This is Satanist and vampire Caius Veiovis. He was arrested for kidnapping, murdering, and dismembering three men. Even Satan doesn’t want anything to do with this guy.

Half a Brain

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This is Carlos “Halfy” Rodriguez. His severe head injury was caused when he crashed into a telephone pole while messed up on drugs. He was arrested in Miami for attempted murder. What is it with Florida??

You’re a Mean One

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This disturbing and creepy character was arrested for harassing women by following them around asking if they wanted to be “grinched.” WTF!

Kindergarten Criminal

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This little tyke is actually a 29-year-old man. He was arrested for his fifth DUI.

Clashing with the Orange Jumpsuit

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This man was arrested while dressed up as the devil for Halloween. Sounds like he pulled a not-so-funny trick!

Three Teeth

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This is Alan Dale Lee. Deputies in Florida (of course!) have dubbed him “Dracula” due to his prominent teeth.

This one is knot so bad

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Oh Florida, you strike again! This bumpy-headed man was arrested in the sunshine state.

Get ‘em Granny

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We don’t know what this granny was arrested for, but she looks pretty angry. We would stand back!

This Blue Up

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:fMeLZVv_5d5542c2281ed.jpg

This blue creature is Anthony Cifuentes. He was arrested for fraud in a dollar store in, wait for it… Florida! It is unclear why his face was painted blue.

Bulldog Bite

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This convict is missing his two front teeth, but he still looks like he would bite you. I’d stay back!

Cat Scratch Fever

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:TFBUWgu_5d5542c64cd7d.jpg

This mugshot is pretty creepy all the way around – but what is with the clawed up face? It looks like some house cats mistook his forehead for a scratching post!

Lineup Time!

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We really don’t get the whole face tattoo thing. If you commit a crime, don’t you want to do everything you could to not stand out in the lineup? These three guys didn’t stand a chance of escaping due to their unusual “markings.” Bad idea, guys!

Just browsing through some mugshots

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This man’s mugshot looks pretty normal, but we need that woman from earlier to draw some eyebrows on him!

Eye didn’t see anything, Officer

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This man’s mugshot shows him looking in two different directions at once. Does it look odd? Yes. Does it make it easier to commit crimes? Possibly.

All Smiles

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:Yi0JNLV_5d5542c7d717e.jpg

This happy camper looks like he is walking into his own surprise party. He is smiling way too much for somebody who is being booked! Maybe he just has a good attitude… or maybe he has good meth.

Rico Suave

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:GGtQijM_5d5542c78a52f.jpg

This must be this guy’s first mugshot. He hasn’t learned to properly use his angles or apply copious amounts of hot pink blush yet.

Where Am I?

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These lovely two inmates look like they have no idea where they are. We guess drugs will do that to you. These two actually look like they just rolled out of the trap house mattress! Get it together, people!

More Freaky Faces

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Did these guys think they had options other than jail when they “decorated” their heads, tongues, and faces? I wouldn’t even hire these guys to work at a tattoo shop.

Stretched Thin

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Oh this is just too gross! It appears this smug criminal had his ears gauged out and regretted it. Maybe he should grow his hair long to cover it rather than looping his stretched out lobe over the tops of his ears. Gross!


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What was this Grandpa arrested for? Stealing his wife’s swimsuit? You do you, man.

You Look Familiar…

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Crazy Eyes? From Orange is the New Black? We want an autograph!

Feathered and Lethal

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This criminal’s alibi was that he was blow-drying and moussing his hair for 8 hours straight when the crime was committed.

So that’s what happened to the “man bun”

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This guy ruined it. Sorry, sexy, male influencers!


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Unlike the “man bun,” which came and went, the comb over is a look that is timeless. (And timelessly BAD! Just let it go, man.)

I’d hate to see the other guy…

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This woman looks like she has some severe swelling on the right side of her face and head. Maybe instead of snapping her mugshot, they should be calling 911!

King Midas

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:DwCY6W5-5d4fc6d7c02ca_5d5542c8ee73b.jpg

This guy looks like he has no freaking clue where he is or what day it is. And what is with the golden beard? Was he eating gold? Is it an aesthetic? We aren’t sure – but it sure makes a memorable mugshot!

Swamp Thing?

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:cFBQeQ3_5d5542cbf2828.jpg

Nope – this is Gregory Liascos. He dressed up like this in order to sneak into the Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals – through a hole he cut out behind a toilet seat cover dispenser. He must have seen the knock off version of Night at the Museum.

Cleaned Up Nice

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Hair do on point? Check. Matching earring set? Check. Pretty gold necklaces? Check. We love the look.

Another one

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Another first-degree makeup slaughter conviction. We hope this man receives the help he needs.


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We aren’t going to say anything bad about this guy’s mugshot. We are afraid he might come after us!

Mugshot Hair Don’ts

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Hello, I mustache you a question: “Am I being detained?”

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This man was arrested for assaulting his hairline.

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There is no way this guy thinks he looks good. He looks like Pippi Turdstocking.

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If you cover either side of this guy’s face, each side looks normal – but the combination of beard/no beard makes this guy’s mugshot very eerie! Make a decision already!

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The Bozo ‘do. Also the old-school Larry David. (Also, why is he shirtless?)

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We would make fun of this guy’s Coolio knockoff hairstyle, but those teardrops under his eyes make us feel like we should move on…

If Mama Ain’t Happy…

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… then she is arrested. I hope that angry scowl isn’t permanent! Yikes!

Juvie or County?

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Is this perp 8 or 38? We honestly cannot tell!

Can we get this over already?

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This guy knows the drill. He is so bored of the mugshot routine he couldn’t stop yawning.

Where am I?

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This guy looks terribly bored as well… but there is a good chance he is just strung out on something.

Why the recognizable face tats!?

Macintosh HD:Users:rjackson:Desktop:hfVWskR_5d5542ce71c8b.jpg

“Officer, the man who mugged me had a star and a spider web on his nose, eyebrows that say ‘kiss kiss’, ‘vida’ across his upper lip, triangles under his eyes, a skull on his forehead, and about 20 other identifiable tattoos on his FACE.”

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This nice looking young man is Michael Allgier. He is serving a life sentence without parole for murdering a corrections officer. He might as well be in jail forever – nothing says, “Hire me!” like a face covered in white supremacist tattoos. Good riddance!

There you have it! You saw some awful mugshots, some funny ones, and some downright terrifying ones. We hope you never have to have your mugshot taken, but if you do, at least you know how to rock it now.