Can Depression Cause High Blood Pressure: How to Deal with It

Heart health is an important factor that should be considered seriously, especially regarding high blood pressure. It can lead to various health diseases, including stroke, heart failure, and heart attacks. Did you ever think that depression can cause high blood pressure? There are multiple other reasons for high blood pressure, and depression is one of them. High blood pressure doesn’t only impact adults, it can also occur in teens. High blood pressure can be just as dangerous in teens as adults. If your teen has anxiety, you’ll want to check their blood pressure and get an anxiety treatment for teens as soon as possible.

You might get overwhelmed when you feel anxious or depressed, and the whole lifestyle may be affected because you cannot take care of your health in difficult and stressful situations. Get tips from the Blood Pressure Norms Health Site that how you can overcome depression and reduce the level of high blood pressure. Let’s get into the details to know how depression can cause high blood pressure.

Can Depression Cause High Blood Pressure

Depression can cause high blood pressure, leading to dangerous health diseases, which can also cause death. For example, when you experience stress, anxiety, and depression, the blood pressure rate rises. The reason is the reduced flow of blood and the production of high levels of cortisol in the body. As time passes, this problem affects the heart and causes heart disease. Patients who are the victims of uncontrolled hypertension commonly experience depression.

Can depression cause high blood pressure? Yes, but depression is not the only factor that many people experience in their lives. High blood pressure and diabetes are also the main issues due to this problem. The other problems, such as physical changes that depression causes, are as follows

  • Disruption of normal functions of the body
  • Higher levels of stress hormones
  • Higher level of inflammation
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Metabolism
  • Blood circulation

The Link Between Depression and High Blood Pressure

The connection between depression and anxiety is related to various conditions. Various diseases and factors, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis, disturb your quality of life and cause depression, anxiety, and stress. Depression can be worse in some people, but it can be normal for others.

High Blood Pressure and Depression

Many people ask the question that can depression cause high blood pressure. Depression is a major factor causing rise in blood pressure. Almost 20% to 30% of people get affected due to the problem of high blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a factor that causes stroke and other health diseases. Some high-blood-pressure medications can reduce the risk of depression, such as beta-blockers and calcium antagonists. Still, you must consult with your doctor before taking any anti-depression medicine.

Heart Diseases and High Blood Pressure

The link between heart disease and high blood pressure is strong. Depression can happen early in life and is considered a serious factor that causes high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The risk of obesity also increases when people experience depression. The drugs that people take in depression are not good for heart health.

Effects of Depression On Health

The below table shows which problems can be created due to the severe impact of depression.

High blood pressure Stroke Eating disorders
Chronic pain Substance use disorders Diabetes
Mental illness Heart disease COPD
Asthma Osteoporosis Arthritis

How to Deal with Depression: Here is Everything to Know

Taking the following steps can be proved helpful in dealing with depression and anxiety.

Choose healthy habits: It would be best to choose healthy habits such as exercise and starting any other physical activity to help lower depression. Walk for almost 30 minutes as it can help to improve your heart health. You can also improve your mood and well-being by including physical activities in your daily routine.

Eat healthy Food: Eating healthy foods and utilizing beneficial cooking techniques help to deal with depression. Reduce the amount of sodium, sugar, fats, and calories in your food. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and salad.

Identify the cause: if you feel down or depressed, try to identify the reason and seek help from your doctor. Reaching out to your doctor is necessary because the identified causes can lead to physical and emotional disaster.

Seek therapy: seek instant treatment once you have identified the causes of depression. If you cannot identify the causes, you should delay to go and seek help from the health care provider.

Incorporate a healthy lifestyle: the inappropriate and unhealthy lifestyle can be a major factor that plays a key role in causing depression. Unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol also lead to depression and other heart problems.

Take care of yourself: Do not live the cycle of feeling down, as it may harm your life.


Depression is a significant factor affecting blood pressure and causes high blood pressure. The answer to the question, “can depression cause high blood pressure” is yes. Depression causes a rise in blood pressure, leading to other health and heart diseases. You must try to overcome the problems that cause depression. Identify the major causes and consult with the doctor to seek help. It is important to note that depression can be overcome, and high blood pressure can be controlled if you adopt a healthy lifestyle.