Features of Performance Management Software that Every Manager Should Know About


With the ever-changing landscape of business, managers need to have an effective way of managing their teams. One of the most common tools that managers use to do this is performance management software.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the essential features of performance management software and highlight why managers should consider using it.

Integrated Learning Management System

An integrated learning management system (LMS) allows managers to assign training and development tasks to employees. This ensures that everyone within the team has the necessary skills and knowledge to do their job and that they’re up-to-date with the latest industry developments.

Also, the LMS’s features make learning more accessible for employees as they can complete their training tasks in their own time and at their own pace. This is particularly beneficial for employees working remotely or with other commitments that make attending training courses difficult.

Automated merit increase modeling

This means that managers can quickly identify and reward individuals for their outstanding achievements without spending time manually reviewing and approving individual rewards.

This saves managers a lot of time and ensures everyone within the team is rewarded fairly for their hard work. It also helps to encourage employees to continue working hard, as they know they’re likely to be rewarded for their efforts in due course.

Real-time feedback tools

This enables managers to give employees feedback as soon as an event or occurrence happens rather than waiting until the following performance review.

This allows employees to receive feedback when they need it the most, rather than waiting for weeks or months. It also allows managers to keep track of employee performance on an ongoing basis rather than just relying on review points.

Suppose a sales executive closed a significant deal, and the manager wants to convey his appreciation for the effort made. With real-time feedback tools, the manager can send a message to the sales executive, praising him for his actions.

This type of feedback is much more valuable than waiting months to tell the employee that he did a great job.

Goal Management & Alignment

Performance management software like Performance Pro also allows managers to set and track employee goals. This ensures that everyone within the team is working towards the same objectives and that their efforts contribute to the team’s overall success.

It also allows managers to see how well employees progress toward their goals and identify areas where they may need assistance.

For example, If an employee is struggling to meet a sales target, the manager can provide additional support and coaching to help them to improve their performance. By doing this, the manager can ensure that employees are always working towards the company’s goals and have the necessary support to achieve them.

Market competitive salary data

Managers need access to relevant salary data to ensure that employees are fairly remunerated. This helps managers understand the market rates for specific roles and ensure that their employees are paid in line with their skills and experience.

Managers can quickly and easily access this data by using performance management software. This saves them time and ensures they can benchmark their employees against the market and identify potential discrepancies.


Performance management software gives managers the tools they need to manage their teams effectively. It enables them to assign training and development tasks, give employees real-time feedback, set and track employee goals, and benchmark salaries against the market.

Also, it helps to encourage employees to work hard and progress in their roles, as they know they’re likely to be rewarded for their efforts.