Harmful Effects Of A Blocked Drain In Your Home


A blocked drain is a drain that is obstructed or blocked by any foreign materials that were supposed not to be there in the first place. This blockage can lead to innumerable problems in your homes. To avoid such misfortunes from befalling you it is better to take a few preventive measures that could lead to efficiency of daily life functions and convenience.

Common Causes of Blocked Drains

There are many common causes of blocked drains. If they are taken care of, then you will not have to go through any of the hassles that are attached to such things in your homes.

These Causes Are as Follows:

#1. Hair: Hair is the main cause why a homeowner will have to go through a lot of problems with blocked drains. Just as it may block your drains it will also aggravate your problem by combining with other substances like grease and oil and make the problem even worse. To avoid these problems be sure that you install a drain guard for your drains.

If you are using one of those conventional soap bars, they will cause a problem of blocked drains. They are made with fat or grease which sticks to the scum and blocks the drains. The minerals in the water will stick to the scum and make your drain blocked. It also stains your bathroom floor and walls.

#2. Dirt: Dirt material is another cause of blocked drains. If your clothes have dirt in them make sure to brush them before you enter the bathroom. Or else it might enter into the drain and cause a blockage that can absolutely be avoided.

#3. Waste Food: If you have leftover food at home, your drain is not the place to dispose it. Its right place is in the garbage bin. And if you think you can get away with sending it down your drain then you are in for trouble because a blocked drain is on the cards for you.

#4. Minerals: Water is always full of minerals. And minerals are one of the culprits who cause blocked drains. To avoid it you can install a water softener at the source of your water supply though there are many types of softeners that you may use.

#5. Foreign Objects: Foreign materials like trash, toilet paper, etc. are some of the common causes of blockage in your drain. They stop the free flow in your drain.

#6. Tree Roots: A small crack in your underground drainage system is a big enemy for you. It allows space for tree roots to grow there which when big enough will cause a severe blockage. They will stop water from flowing out of your pipes smoothly. So be sure to do maintenance work there as soon as you detect one such crack.  

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The Routine Signs of Blocked Drains

Blocked drains will give you warning signals a few days in advance. If you carefully follow these signals you may prevent the issues in advance before it gets out of control.

These Signs Are:

  • An unpleasant smell emanating from the mouth of your drain
  • It tends to overflow from time to time
  • You will hear gurgling sounds coming from it when water is passed through it
  • Drainage time will increase because of the blockage in it

Conclusion: Impact of Blocked Drains on Health, Society and The Structure in The Home

If you have a blocked drains problem in your home, you must become instantly alert to getting it repaired to avoid all the health issues that are related to it. It is imperative that you always make it a point to keep them clean and clog-free. Or else they have some seriously detrimental effects on health. The growth of bacteria will begin from where your drain is blocked due to moist conditions. The microbes in the bacteria will help health issues like allergies, asthma, and skin inflammation to arise.

The foul smell from blocked drains can cause headaches and a nauseating tendency to arise. Apart from health hazards, it can cause major damage to your property. It gives rise to mold and pests. The backward flow of water from drain blockages will contaminate the water that was safe till then. And the pressure that is built on them leads to cracks and leakages. So, from all these, it can be safely concluded that blocked drains can be a home owners worst nightmare.