How to Build Relationships with Your Neighbors


You may live next to the same people for years, but that doesn’t mean you know them well. In fact, according to a survey, 26% of millennials in the United States of America don’t even know their neighbors’ names.

Whether you like it or not, you’re in the middle of an ecosystem where your relationships with the people around you are tightly bound to your success and happiness. You might not think you have much in common with your neighbors, but they can make all the difference in helping you get ahead in life.

Establishing good relationships with your neighbors can benefit your personal and professional life in various ways. If you’re looking to become more social, one of the easiest ways to do that is by meeting and interacting with the people who live nearby.

In this article, we’ll go over 7 tips that will help you bridge the gap and build strong relationships with your neighbors, whether they’re on your floor or across the country.

Benefits of Building Strong Relationships With Your Neighbors

Strong relationships with your neighbors can help you feel more secure, improve your home’s overall value, and establish a sense of community. In addition, neighbors who know one another are more likely to look out for each other. So even if you don’t have children, strong relationships with your neighbors can create a generally safer and friendlier atmosphere.

Building solid relationships with your neighbors offers the following benefits:

  • You’ll be more likely to get help if you need it (like calling 911 or fixing your car).
  • You’ll have someone to watch your house while away on vacation or business trips.
  • You can borrow things from each other (tools, a cup of sugar, etc.).
  • If you have children, they will benefit by having playmates nearby.
  • If you are new to an area, making friends with neighbors is a great way to learn about local happenings and culture.
  • You might even make lifelong friends.
  • It is easier for neighbors to keep an eye out for one another and protect each other if they know one another well.
  • Good relationships with neighbors often translate into good relationships with local businesses, as well.
  • Having a solid relationship with your neighbors makes them more likely to respect your property and privacy.

Here are seven ways to build strong relationships with your neighbors and start thinking of yourself as part of a community, rather than just living in an apartment building or house down the street from someone else.

1) Meet your neighbors

This may seem obvious, but you have a better chance of building a relationship with your neighbors if you actually meet them. You’re less likely to have your house burglarized if you know and get along with your neighbors. Just putting yourself out there can be enough of a start. If you are afraid to reach out, you can find some information about them using Nuwber so you have a good starting point and know what to talk about.

Chat up with people who live nearby as you walk your dog or take out the trash, etc. When discussing shared concerns (like snow removal or home repairs), invite your neighbors over for an afternoon of board games and drinks. You can also organize block parties (or potlucks) as another way to get to know those who live around you.

If you don’t get a warm reception, ask around for other neighbors who might be more interested in getting to know you.

2) Start a neighborhood watch program

Few things foster a sense of community, like watching out for each other. Hence, 67% of homeowners in a Next Door survey said they only feel safer after knowing their neighbors.

Neighborhood Watch programs help neighbors communicate and keep an eye on one another, ensuring that everyone in your area is safe.

If you’re interested in starting a program in your area, check with your local police department. They may have a neighborhood watch program available and can offer guidance on organizing such an initiative. If there isn’t already a program, it might be time to start one. Everyone in your community will appreciate having someone watching out for them and keeping them safe.

Plus, when you work together as a group, it’s not only safer, but it makes life easier for everyone involved. Nothing beats knowing you have people who care about you nearby.

3) Volunteer together

There’s nothing like a natural disaster or other emergency situation to bring out our best, most selfless selves.

So make an effort to bond with your neighbors regularly by participating in local charitable events and causes together. Not only will you be giving back and making new friends, but you’ll also get help from others when disaster strikes because it will be clear that you are part of a community and not just someone outside their home asking for help.

This is also a great way to meet like-minded people—and perhaps even potential business partners.

4) Host casual get-togethers or fun events in your yard or home

Family game nights, movie nights, block parties, and barbecue nights are all fun events that bring neighbors together and make everyone more comfortable with each other. Of course, you don’t have to wait for a special occasion; just invite your neighbors over whenever they’re free. You might be surprised at how fun they are.

What’s more, these events are a great way to connect your children with others in their age group to develop lasting friendships and social skills as they grow up.

If you’re worried that you don’t have enough in common with your neighbors, don’t fret. All you need is something simple and fun that everyone can participate in. For example, if it’s summertime, an outdoor game like bocce ball or cornhole is a great way to get people chatting. Even things like potlucks and barbecues are great ways to make new friends—and they are easy enough that even beginners will be able to throw them together successfully.

5) If you have kids, help each other look after them when the parents aren’t available

Parents with babies and kids always need a helping hand. So, if you have some free time on your hands, why not volunteer to babysit their children? Or, just offer your help of any kind if they’re struggling.

That way, you can enjoy watching their children play, and you will also be able to create a strong personal relationship with your neighbors.

6) Offer assistance in non-financial ways, like babysitting, dog walking, etc.

The best way to initiate a conversation with your neighbors is by asking for help in a non-financial way. Not only does it show them that you’re not just out for what you can get, but being able to help someone in need shows everyone around that you are a person of integrity and kindness.

In return, your neighbor will feel indebted (in a good way) to you, which will open up more conversations about getting together for events like block parties or barbecues. The more positive experiences with each other you both have, the closer your relationship will become.

7) Seek out solutions together whenever you run into problems

If you’re running into issues with your neighbors, instead of sitting on your porch complaining about them, why not seek out solutions? Instead of calling in a plumber because your neighbor’s drains are backed up and stinking up your house, talk to them about it. Find out if they can handle getting their own plumber or offer to pay for one if you can.

If an issue keeps cropping up (such as a tree branch overhanging your property), you can speak with a landscaper together. No solution is impossible if approached calmly and with mutual respect. The same holds for community issues, too; if litter keeps showing up on your block or stray dogs are roaming around, talk with neighbors so that you all pitch in.


While a passing nod on your way in or out of your home might be all most neighbors will give each other, strong relationships with those around you can dramatically affect your life.

Not only are they an excellent source of help, but they’re also an essential part of feeling connected and at home in your neighborhood. It’s nice to be known by people who live nearby. So why not take some time out of your day to get better acquainted? Get started now!