Is DevOps Easy To Learn?

DevOps is nowadays one of the most popular buzzwords in the software industry. From automating the software delivery cycle through streamlined continuous integration and deployment to delivering applications efficiently and quickly to end users, small businesses to tech powerhouses are incorporating DevOps into their systems. Hence, we can safely say that DevOps is here to stay!

Everyone nowadays wants to be a DevOps engineer, but they are riddled with the question, “Is learning DevOps easy or difficult?” Have you ever heard the saying, “Everything is difficult before it is easy?”

So, to answer the question, is DevOps easy to learn? YES! Absolutely. It is easy to learn, but mastering it will be hard because you also need to develop soft skills in addition to technical ones. However, through hard work, perseverance, and most importantly, investing in the right DevOps training, all the skills and concepts can be easily mastered.

Learning DevOps will be an uphill climb if you scramble around too much and try to take in everything at once without determining the beginning and end point of your DevOps learning mission. As with any new learning, it must be approached methodically and sensibly so that you have a clear picture of what all concepts and tools integral to DevOps must be learned.

This article will provide all DevOps aspirants with information on how to step into DevOps and what approaches you should take to make your DevOps learning process a walk in the park.

Guide to learn DevOps the easy way!

To learn DevOps, you must first understand what it is. DevOps is simply the combination of the term “development” and “operations.” In the traditional setting of software development, specific teams were tasked with the responsibility of carrying out tasks related to a specific functional area. However, this led to silos within organizations because of the teams’ communication gap, which ultimately had a negative impact on performance. DevOps, in its simplified sense, is a philosophy that embraces a collection of tools, practices, and procedures that aid in the quick and efficient delivery of software solutions by encouraging better collaboration by tearing down organizational barriers and uniting all parties involved. As a result, we can conclude that DevOps is a culture rather than just a technology solution. We can now proceed to the first step in learning DevOps since we have a better understanding of the DevOps culture.

1. Learn one thing at a time!

As the quote says, “Success is built sequentially. It’s one thing at a time.” DevOps methodology comprises many tools and concepts. If you try to inculcate everything in one go, learning DevOps will be challenging for you. So, the trick is to focus on learning one thing at a time.

2. Create a personalized road map

Each person’s learning curve is unique. So, do some research and set some goals. You can scout job postings and try to figure out what technical skills and fundamental knowledge a DevOps professional should have. This will assist you in developing a personalized road map. This can also assist you in deciding on a career path, such as engineering or cloud, and in creating a checklist of things to learn.

3. Learn the basics

It is always a good idea to build a strong foundation. If you are a beginner or someone just venturing into the IT industry, then it is critical that you learn the fundamentals of DevOps such as the Linux operating system, a Linux-based scripting language, basic networking, Security, and its applications. Start by learning a programming language like python and gain an understanding of Linux, then work your way up.

4. Knowledge of DevOps tools and skills

Once the foundation is laid, the next step is to learn about various DevOps tools and concepts. Since DevOps is conducted in stages, learning about these stages and the specific tools that assist to carry out these functions is highly imperative. Learn about concepts like source code management, configuration management, the CI/CD pipeline, Infrastructure as code, and management tools like Ansible, Docker, and Puppet, to name a few. Gaining knowledge about these is extremely crucial for your DevOps journey.

Next in line, is to gain advanced training to know about specific skillsets or tools. Automation is at the heart of DevOps. As a result, it is critical to understand and use automation tools like Amazon Web Service (AWS), Chef, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform, and App Dynamic, among others. Finally, a DevOps journey is incomplete without cloud knowledge. As a matter of fact, an in-depth understanding of cloud services such as SaaS and PaaS, as well as the cloud providers who provide these services, is required.

5. Getting the certification

Enrolling in a DevOps training program is the most expedient way to improve your knowledge and validate your skills. Obtaining a DevOps certification not only makes you appear appealing to recruiters, but it also includes several real-world projects as part of your program, exposing you to relevant industry experience. There are numerous institutes and online boot camps that provide DevOps certification.

For example, Simplilearn, in collaboration with the California Institute of Technology’s Center for Technology and Management Education (Caltech CTME), offers an excellent DevOps certification program that caters to candidates with both programming and non-programming backgrounds from a variety of industries, allowing them to learn and develop the skill and develop job-ready skills for DevOps career advancement. The main benefits of such online programs are that they provide a one-of-a-kind blended learning experience that teaches you the key concepts and tools of DevOps such as Git, CI/CD with Jenkins, configuration management, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes, and many more through a detailed and well-structured curriculum designed under the expert supervision of academic and industry experts.

Furthermore, through hands-on learning in interactive labs and working on real-life projects, you will gain expertise in all the latest cutting-edge technologies. Upon successful course completion, you will receive industry-recognized DevOps certification, which can make you more appealing to hiring managers looking for the desired skills in candidates.

6. Continue your education

Because DevOps methodology is a collection of processes and tools, newer concepts can be introduced as technology evolves. So, stay up to date on new technologies and tools, and keep an open mind about everything. So, train yourself to be open to new experiences and to always ask questions. Remember that learning is an ongoing process with no end in sight. As Steve Jobs rightly said, “learn continually- there is always “one more thing” to learn!”