But Why?

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The audacity of some people is just incredible. While some people are very conscious about the things they leave behind or how they act in public, others do not have a care in the world. These are some of the rudest people on the planet who should never be allowed out in public again.

Patiently Waiting

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As this man was waiting for his food at a restaurant, he decided to tear up a flyer he had been handed earlier. He didn’t leave it on the table, though. No, he let all of the ripped pieces of paper fall to the floor for someone else to clean up.

Stained Carpet

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If you’ve ever owned a house, you know just how hard it is to get stains out of carpets. These tenants absolutely destroyed this landlord’s carpet. They did try to cover it up, though.

Testing Them Out

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Spray paint is not easy to clean up. This customer didn’t give a care in world how difficult it would be when he decided to sample almost every color on the shelf.

Clogging the Toilet

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Some people use an excessive amount of toilet paper. This person decided to just throw the entire roll in the toilet.

No Regard for Authority

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There are cones placed here for a reason. That reason was obviously ignored by this person who wanted the best shot for her Instagram profile.

Back Off

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This person doesn’t have to worry about anyone getting to close to his car on the highway. That ladder does a great job keeping people from tailgating him.

Position Yourself Correctly

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Automatic doors are extremely convenient, especially if you have a lot of bags to carry. Unfortunately, this woman decided to stand in the worst place possible that kept the doors open so all of the cold air entered the store.

Speaker Phone

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There is nothing worse than someone using speaker phone when they are out in public. We don’t want to hear your personal conversation or the crackle of the voice on the other line. Put it up to your ear like a normal person!

Scratched Up

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It’s fun to have customized shoes, especially if you did it yourself. However, we do recommend that you wait until you purchase the shoes before you complete your art project.


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Apparently there was a movement in Australia to bring attention to vandalism. However, spreading the awareness did actually include vandalism in itself. Kind of counterproductive if you ask us.

Just Resting

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After a long day you just want to sit and relax. Unfortunately, this person decided to sit on some avocados that people will definitely not buy after seeing that.

Tree Topper

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We encourage recycling! However, don’t recycle simply for the sake of being lazy. We all know that this bottle is going to blow off somewhere and will probably never be picked up.

Messy Eaters

It’s common knowledge that when you eat at a fast food restaurant, you have to clean up your mess. Unfortunately, this large group of people did not get that memo.

Throwing Trash

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Someone got pretty upset and decided to dump an entire trash bin on the ground. However, they decided to drag it into the middle of the street to do it and cause a blockage of traffic. We would definitely consider that rude.

Marking Their Territory

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How many times have you seen empty drink cups while out shopping? Too many! People should just hang on to their trash until they find a trashcan. It isn’t that hard!

Gone Swimming

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We get it, sometimes finding the stall for the shopping carts is a pain especially when you just want to get home. However, there is no reason to throw shopping carts into a pond!

Chewing Gum

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Imagine you are out looking for the perfect hat and you find it. You’re all excited and go to grab it. Then you realize there is a piece of chewed gum stuck to it. What ever happened to putting your old gum under the table?

This is Mine Now

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When you can’t find a place to park your bike, it can get a little frustrating. This person decided to lock his bike up to a bike that was already there. It looks like they have to leave together now.


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There is no reason to put your bare feet up in public. At least keep your shoes on. It’s a common courtesy!

Movie Mess

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These moviegoers have absolutely not consideration for the janitors that have to clean up the theater afterwards. First off, why wouldn’t you finish your popcorn? Secondly, it isn’t that hard to bring your trash to the garbage bin afterwards.

Bike Parking

There is usually designated bike parking. This person decided that they were entitled to an entire parking spot for a car, though. Apparently his precious bike couldn’t be seen with the rest of them.

Shoe Mania

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It looks like a crowd of women ran through this shoe department in a rush. They definitely left a trail of destruction along the way.

Be Polite

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It’s true that kindness brings you good things in life. This coffee shop wanted to remind people that it’s okay to be nice and have a friendly conversation with their staff. In fact, it will even save them some money.

The Recliner

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Unless you are sitting pretty in first class, people are never comfortable on a plane. So, tat raises the question of whether people should recline their seats or not. This person really had no consideration when he reclined his seat on a long flight.

Pure Bread

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This heavy sleeper is just asking for pranks to be pulled on her. Unfortunately, her brother took her naptime as an opportunity to stack an entire loaf of bread on her face. That’s going to be a pretty rude wakeup call.

The Perfect Landing

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This fish could have died instantly if this fishbowl didn’t land just right. Now we just have to figure out how to get it out safely and without making a huge mess.

Passive Aggressive Behavior

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Women lose a lot of hair, especially when they wash it in the shower. This person decided to clean out the drain, but not without letting everyone know just how much hair they pulled out of it.

The Flow Chart

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Living with roommates can be difficult, especially when they eat the food you bought and are looking forward to eating. So, to prevent this type of behavior, one person decided to post this little flow chart on the fridge.

The Rudest Parking Job

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These people decided to take the liberty of parking next to a helipad at a hospital, even though it was restricted. Well, when the helicopter landed with a critical patient, they deserved to be shamed for making it difficult to retrieve them.

Knee Pads

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There is no telling why this woman was kneeling on the ground, but she decided to use loaves of bread as knee pads so the hard floor wouldn’t hurt her knees. Instead of buying them, though, she just left them there!

Arts and Crafts

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How hard is it to clean up your mess? People have to stop thinking that someone else is going to clean it up for them.

Excuse Me

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Yes, the rules of society do still exist even when you are 40,000 feet in the air. This frequent flyer decided to use the aisle as his own personal trash bin making it extremely difficult for passengers to get by.

Gender Reveal

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Gender reveal parties are all the rage right now. However, they seem to cause more harm than good in the world. Just look at the mess that was left in someone’s yard after it was revealed this couple was having a boy.