Stingrays are interesting creatures but they can also be pretty cute! When one stingray was getting hungry, he knew he had to get the attention of his favorite human. This stingray decided to do the funniest thing to get attention!

20. Amazing Footage


Recently, some amazing footage has gone absolutely viral on the Internet. Apparently, everyone has been in awe over one stingray’s adorable reaction to his favorite human!

19. Stingrays


Stingrays are fascinating creatures as they are closely related to sharks. These aquatic animals are often quite solitary but can live with groups of other stingrays.

18. Poisonous


One of the other amazing facts about stingrays is that they actually hold venom in their tails. Their long tails actually hold their spine where all of their venom is stored. So getting too close to a stingray is not always advised.

17. Getting Close


Since stingrays are poisonous, getting too close to one isn’t always advised. However, since they are such astonishing creatures, going without seeing one ever can be such a disappointment. That’s when aquariums come into play.

16. Aquariums

Image: YouTube

Aquariums are often a great way to take a peek into the aquatic life that lives in our waters. For many people, an aquarium is the only way they’ll ever come into close contact with different fish.

15. Hungry Stingray

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

Recently, an aquarium’s video footage of their fish tank went viral. It seems that one stingray was pretty hungry and wanted to make sure that everyone knew. You won’t believe what this guy did to get attention!

14. Huge Stingray

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

The stingray in question was enormous. It happened to be close to his feeding time at the aquarium and boy was he getting hungry! However, he wasn’t too thrilled with the speed things were moving.

13. Coming Over

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

In the video footage, you can see the stingray’s caretaker standing by the tank looking over the edge. The caretaker was clearly holding onto a little bowl of food for the various fish living in the tank with the massive stingray.

12. Patiently Waiting

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

You can see the cute “smiley face” appearance of the stingray who was pressed against the glass. The stingray appeared to be waiting patiently for the caretaker to notice how hungry he was!

11. Feeding

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

The caretaker began to throw the fish food into the tank, seemingly ignoring the poor stingray for the time being! The stingray wasn’t too happy about the way this feeding was going.

10. Surprised Face

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

In the video, you can clearly see the stingray was growing more and more surprised by what was happening. After all, didn’t he deserve to feast on some delicious food just as much as the other fish in the tank?

9. Growing Impatient

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

The stingray was growing impatient with his caretaker. He knew he had to get the caretaker’s attention somehow, but how? Well, he decided that he would have to get out and take the food himself!

8. Jumping Out

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

As the caretaker was continuing to feed the other fish, the stingray decided to jump up out of the tank. There he was staring the caretaker right in the face, letting him know he was there too and wanted to eat!

7. Splashing

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

Just as the stingray was going to go back into the tank, he quickly let out a big splash. Water got all over the area and the stingray seemed pretty pleased with himself. He quickly made his way back into the tank.

6. Getting The Hint

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

It seems that after such a dramatic act, the caretaker finally understood that the stingray was tired of waiting around for him. That’s when the caretaker walked over with a wonderful treat for the stingray!

5. Time To Eat

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

Finally, it was the moment that the stingray had been waiting for: feeding time! The man walked over to the hungry stingray and gave him a yummy piece of food. The stingray never looked happier.

4. Full

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

The stingray was finally fed and happier than ever. What was the stingray to do now? It seems that he decided to swim away from his favorite caretaker.

3. Away

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

Turning his back to the caretaker whose attention he worked so hard to get, the stingray swam away from the edge of the tank. Off he swam, away from all of the commotion that he so easily caused.

2. Smart Fish

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

You may not have known before, but stingrays are pretty smart! As shown by this one enormous stingray, they can be pretty pragmatic when it comes to getting what they want, when they want it.

1. Viral

Image: YouTube/Jukin Media

Thanks to how adorable and smart this one stingray was, the video instantly went viral. People couldn’t get over just how daring the stingray was while looking like a real-life Pokemon character.