1: Attempted Suicide.

“Led a scuba diving tour. While signing the safety waivers and all that one very old man kept telling us that he had a DNR (do not resuscitate). We plainly told him that we are not bound to a DNR and if he passed out for any reason, we would attempt to resuscitate by our safety training.

Pretty much all the divers are assuming this guy is gonna kill himself down there (probably spit out the reg and go quietly into the night).

Dive happens, pretty much everyone is hawkeyed on this guy. I see him go behind a large coral head and lay down in the sand and spit out his reg. He is only at about 60 ft so I grab him and wrestle him to the surface. He will not take my back up regulator so I slam it against his mouth a purge air into his face. We get to the surface and he is fighting me nonstop trying to pull all of his gear off. I throw a very hard punch to his jaw and knock him out (actually trained to do this during dive rescues to keep the panicked person from killing you too)

3 weeks later and he tries to sue my dive shop and myself personally.” – Winkus, Reddit User.

It’s clear that the old man was trying to kill himself. That would be bad for them and their reputation. Even with the sue charges, they can win with the help of witnesses.