Never underestimate the love of an animal, especially that of a duck. When this duck was rescued by a woman, she was given a second chance at life. Now she shows her thanks in the most heartwarming way possible! You won’t believe how this sweet duck greets her mama every day.
20. Minnesota

Image: National Geographic Kids
Chantel Grant lives with her husband in the wonderful state of Minnesota. Minnesota is known for a lot of its outdoor beauty. Thanks to its wonderful outdoor beauty, there is also a lot of animals that hang around.
19. Wild Ducks

Image: Wild Birds Unlimited
One of the things that Chantel and her husband love the most about where they live is their daily visitors. Each day, the couple is bound to see a ton of wild ducks throughout the neighborhood. The ducks are quite friendly and love interacting!
18. Back Door

Chantel and her husband even leave their back door open for the ducks. The ducks will often wander into their home and say ‘hello’. The couple always looks forward to seeing a duck walking through the house.
17. Rescues

Image: Pioneer Press
Sometimes, however, the ducks can get a bit curious and find themselves in dangerous situations. Whenever Chantel sees that one of the duck’s are in a bad situation, she quickly goes out of her way to rescue them. She quickly became the unofficial duck rescuer of the neighborhood.
16. Wandering Off

Image: Boredom Therapy
When Chantel saw a duck that had wandered off into her neighbor’s pool, she quickly went in and scooped the little duckling up. Then she drove around the neighborhood until she found the duckling’s family. She was so happy to have been able to reunite them.
15. Eggs

Image: Tyrant Farms
Recently, a mama duck had laid some eggs in a bush next to Chantel’s house. Chantel was super excited for the eggs to hatch so that she could see the beautiful new ducklings. However, when she got back home from work one evening she noticed that all of the eggs had hatched…
14. All But One

Image: YouTube
Chantel was so disappointed when she realized that she had missed out on seeing the baby duckling hatch. Then, as she looked closer, she soon realized that there was something left behind. There was one little egg that still hadn’t hatched.
13. One Egg

Image: Fox News
Soon the egg began to hatch and Chantel saw the sweet little duckling pop out! She knew that the duckling needed to be with its mother so she drove all around looking for the family. However, no matter where she drove she couldn’t find them. It seems that something must have spooked them away.
12. Wildlife Centers

Image: The Dodo
“I called some local wildlife care centers, and asked if they were able to rehab her,” Chantel told The Dodo. “They said that because she’s an invasive species, they would have to euthanize her. So that’s how we ended up with a duck! I would never let anything like that happen to her.”
11. New Family Member

Image: Google News
Chantel knew at that moment that she had to take the sweet duckling in to her home. She named the duckling Petunia and the duck was a part of the Grant household! Surprisingly enough, it didn’t take long for Petunia to get comfortable in her new surroundings.
10. At Home

Image: The Dodo
Petunia immediately felt at home in Chantel’s house. She even has her very own bedroom with a sign on the door that reads, “Beware of Guard Duck”. The sweet duckling loves to run around the house and play with her two macaw siblings.
9. A True Joy

Image: The Dodo
“Petunia is just a joy to have around,” Grant said. “When we are home, she has free rein of the house. She is a very good flyer and loves to fly around the house.” Since Chantel works at a law firm, she is often away for hours at a time. However, Petunia loves to drop by at the office as well!
8. Office Duck

Image: Shropshire Wildlife Trust
Some days, Chantel brings Petunia with her to the law firm that she works at. Everyone at the office absolutely adores how sweet and loving Petunia is. However, on the days that Petunia can’t come to work, she patiently waits by the door for Chantel to come back home.
7. Waiting

Image: The Dodo
On the days when Chantel is at the office for hours, Petunia will stand around and wait by the door for hours. When Chantel finally walks through the door, Petunia can hardly contain her excitement. She is always so happy to see her mom again!
6. Just Like A Dog

Image: YouTube/Storyful Rights Management
Chantel has described Petunia’s behavior to be just like that of a dog’s. She will wait by the door and rush over all excited when she sees Chantel. Petunia will even make a ton of excited noises and run all around from her excitement.
5. Attention

Image: YouTube/Storyful Rights Management
“When we get home from work, Petunia is there to greet us,” Grant said. “She is so excited anytime I come home, wagging her tail, and just loving the attention.” Chantel is always just as excited to see her as well.
4. Bath Time

Image: The Dodo
Once the whole family is together in the evening, Petunia gets ready for her nighttime bath. Her bath time is one of her absolute favorite things. Once bath time is over, Petunia then cuddles up on the couch with her mom and dad.
3. Unconventional

Image: YouTube/Storyful Rights Management
Although Chantel realizes that her family is a bit unconventional, she wouldn’t trade any of them for the world. She is so grateful that Petunia had come into her life. Petunia is also so happy to be a part of the Grant family as well.
2. Funny Reactions

“It is always funny to hear people’s reactions when I tell them that we have a pet indoor duck, but to us, she’s just part of the family and we cannot imagine life without her,” Chantel said. Chantel is so happy to have such a sweet and loving duck as a pet.
1. Happy Family

Image: Laughing Squid
Although she was abandoned by her family, Petunia was given a wonderful new start to life thanks to Chantel and her big heart. Now the Grant family is bigger, better, and happier with their new family member addition!