
serving or able to ; showing or contributing to :
the adaptive coloring of a chameleon.
Historical Examples

adaptiveness—Let each dress worn by a lady be suitable to the occasion upon which she wears it.
The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness Florence Hartley

It has the same fulness and adaptiveness now that it ever had.
Fifty Notable Years John G. Adams

It is loved for its beauty, its associations, its adaptiveness.
Old-Time Gardens Alice Morse Earle

adaptiveness to all marine requirements, present and future.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886 Various

His versatility, adaptiveness, and fecundity are remarkable.
Under the Maples John Burroughs

I have not spoken of his adaptiveness to other climates, but he is little affected by transplantation.
The Welsh Pony Olive Tilford Dargan

The child, with her many changes and gentle nature, had developed a certain tact or adaptiveness, and loved pleasantness.
A Little Girl in Old Boston Amanda Millie Douglas

He had all a true vagabond’s pliability to circumstances and adaptiveness to momentary surroundings.
An Outcast of the Islands Joseph Conrad

Violet sits down in the glow and feels at home, smiles, blossoms, and surprises herself at her gift of adaptiveness.
Floyd Grandon’s Honor Amanda Minnie Douglas

The degree of adaptiveness which a part possesses itself evokes the direction of variation of that part.
On Germinal Selection as a Source of Definite Variation August Weismann

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