
Last Update: March 9, 2025
  • new jesus

    new boyfriend, co-worker, boss, -ssorted “little lord fauntleroy” trumped up, and pumped up as the new saviour! here comes judy with her brand new jesus! steve mcfoolsis is going to turn this office around, hes’ going to be the new jesus!

  • turkeyburg

    a word to use when you want to call someone a name, in a distinctly “i come from aberdeen, washington (where there are more suicides per-capita than anywhere else in the country” way. it has no meaning other than, “yeah, i just called you that…. and you don’t even know what it means but it […]

  • vishanna

    a resplendent girl with an impeccable mind. vishanna holds my everything.

  • Cleeper

    a rather dirty word to describe a lady’s special area. stephanie’s cleeper was sopping last night. a dreepin’ cleeper aka a soakin wet f-nny.

  • knocking fists

    the s-xual act of inserting ones fist into a woman’s v-g-n- and the other fist into her -n-s and then knocking your knuckles against each other through her flesh -dude, i was knocking fists on this chick last night… -oh man, did you stretch her out good? -h-lls yeah!

  • lil homie

    a younger affiliate or -ssociate a person who has not been involved or known by another for an extended period of time friend: how long we gon have to wait fa you: i dont know n-gg-, lil homie said he would be here soon friend: i knew we shouldnt have brought him…

  • flop cop

    in poker, a person who never folds pre-flop. must see every hand. won’t let anyone steal blinds. calling station. “what are you, george — the flop cop?” “i had an ace; i had to see it.”

  • hauge

    a bird like sentinent being who constantly whistles and complains about stuff. this includes hockey baseball and other thing’s called detmar’s and is very annoying with its constant nagging that hauge was very annoying during this day he was talking about how the wild were bad. a pot head, one that smokes a ridiculous amount […]

  • Roongtham

    glory of dharma (the teachings of the buddha which lead to enlightenment, the const-tuent factors of the experienced world). we’ll live forever knowing together that we did it all for roongtham (the glory of dharma).

  • malebrity

    the term “malebrity” describes those individuals who intrude on the public consciousness to a degree that’s impossible to ignore but who are in truth too awful to be called “celebrities.” casey anthony is a malebrity, as is charlie sheen

  • Almique

    a west african tree, manilkara albescens, of the sapodilla family. the hard, reddish-brown wood of this tree, used for making furniture. also, alamiqui. a cuban solenodon, solenodon cub-n-s.

  • cunt-blunt

    a c-nt blunt is a s-x/drug act where the man bakes a batch of pot brownies, crumbles it, stuffs it into the v-g-n- of a female, and then proceeds to eat her out. the result is a pleasureful experience for both parties. this is not to be confused with the cleveland c-nt-blunt, where the pot […]

  • Amelia jenks bloomer

    amelia jenks [jengks] /dʒɛŋks/ (show ipa), 1818–94, u.s. social reformer and women’s-rights leader. noun a plant that flowers, esp in a specified way: a night bloomer noun (brit, informal) a stupid mistake; blunder noun (brit) a medium-sized loaf, baked on the sole of the oven, glazed and notched on top n. 1730, agent noun from […]

  • Steak and Cheese

    when a man takes a dump on a woman’s cleavage and then c-ms on it. hey babey want a streak and cheese for the road? steve gogos’ favorite thing to do during s-x steve wtf your disgusting. did u just do a steak and cheese? black pubic hair covered in male j-sm. shaqniqua has a […]

  • oh nadi

    a universal exclamation, to be used in place of oh snap, oh sh-t, ooh girl, clarence carter!, etc. can also be used to describe a certain type of party vibe example 1: javi threw up all over my sneaks last night, oh nadi he’s going down! example 2: oh nadi! it’s dollar hotdog day at […]

  • Party leftovers

    unclaimed item/belongings that have been left at a party unintentionally by an individual (i.e. jacket, hat). often times the host of the party will have a grace period for when the said person can come back and retrieve their item/belongings, however once this period p-sses the party host -ssumes ownership of the goods and can […]

  • Jfdim

    just f-cking do it man. used when someone is hesitant about doing something that someone else wants them to do: guy 1: i don’t know if i should ask jessica out. guy 2: jfdim!

  • cul-de-sac begging

    when a neighbor sends out their well dressed children to sell you any number of fund raising products for their over- achieving public or private school – sets up an over-priced lemonade stand – makes bad pottery and tries to sell as art , they are “cul-de-sac begging”. usually occurs in middle to upper cl-ss […]

  • Jared Fogle

    add in subway commercials, he used to be a fat-ss eating big macs and fried b-tter but then he became anorexic and secretly had liposuction and all the people in the world listen to him. subway is one of my favorite restaurants but jared makes subway look like curves. jared fogle: hey i lost weight […]

  • giddywhop

    extremely large booty cheeks that girls got a giddywhop

  • jersey bitch

    fairly self-explanatory. a woman who exhibits behaviors that merit the b-word appellation in a way the also spotlights her new jersey-ness and sets her apart from other possible species of b-words. their new jersey-ness is defined by a certain accent, a certain edge, a certain preference for certain geographical points within the state at certain […]

  • Picking pierce

    some one that has no gun skill and picks up things in a field. there goes a picking pierce over there. #black bad dumb stupid ugly gl-sses four eyes

  • Exsplosive

    1. to be able to combust or ignite releasing a high amount of force 2. the slang exslosive refers to diarhea (pardom the spelling) and how it can either come horribly fast or all at once where it turns your new white toilet into a spray painted brown object you dont wanna touch 1. c4 […]

  • bridge constructor portal

    an engineering simulation and puzzle video game developed by clockstone and published by headup games. it can be easy at first, but it becomes more stressful and difficult as it goes. eric: hey, have you played bridge constructor portal yet? james: yeah! and it’s pretty fun, but also its bl–dy hard.

  • African Seance

    an “african seance” is where someone tricks you into having s-x with an african- american, it may not be on purpose. my friend hooked me up with this girl he knows. it was such an african seance.

  • Donkey Shock

    this is where you f-ck a girl from be hind and u punch her in the back of the head so her -ss tightens, but at the same time u give her the shocker. i donkey shocked ur mom

  • Phresh Secret

    an s-xual act in which a woman puts on an unusual amount of gel or roll-on deodorant underneath her arm and the male proceeds to place his member inside the armpit for s-xual stimulation. can be performed from in front or in back, personal preference. the ph is because its strong enough for a man, […]

  • Quit and spit

    the act of blowing a guy and him turning you off like a light switch, so you quit and spit! dom: hey so did sandra finally suck your d-ck? anthony: yeah but she quit and spit right before i c-mmed because i said casey instead of suzy, whoops.

  • Uncle Adolf Syndrome

    uncle adolf syndrome or uas for short is a mental condition whereby the sufferer displaces guilt from the innocent to the guilty to protect the guilty. typically a parent or teacher will blame a child for being unkind or rude for asking a pertinent question about an adult which questions their morality or correctness in […]

  • There’s No Blue Left In Your Eye

    it means that someone is lying. john: “i wasn’t with your girlfriend last night.” mark: “you’re lying! there’s no blue left in your eye!”

  • Primary Colours

    2nd alb-m by amazing southend-on-sea band the horrors. draws influences from krautrock and shoegaze. a truly breathtaking alb-m. tracklisting: mirror’s image three decades who can say do you remember new ice age scarlet fields i only think of you i can’t control myself primary colours sea within a sea primary colours is one of the […]

  • Travel Bud

    a windows live agent that is obviously the sp-wn of smarterchild. it tries to help you with your travel plans, but does virtually nothing that you couldn’t do yourself with one google search. if you insult it enough, it stops talking. problem solved. the eccentric says: (1:09:28 am) asl travel bud says: (1:09:29 am) 33… […]

  • Mother Christian

    a christian that pushes their believes down nonbelievers’ throats, judges everyone, and is extremely closed minded. examples are sarah palin, michele bachmann, and westboro church sarah palin michele bachmann westboro baptist church mother christian

  • Emeloyd

    he is tall, semi dark and handsome. emeloyd has cute eyes and kissable lips

  • wns

    acronym of, “well no sh-t”. no starcraft 2 this year, wns. the desperate and unquenchable desire to be by a person’s warm neck, not to be attributed to vampiric hopes of thirst, but rather a need too insanely obsessive to be correctly expressed in words. however, the intense need for the neck of another being […]

  • pehal

    pehal is very unique, super talented and beautiful from the inside and outside. everyone needs themselves a pehal, pehal is super smart, and a future billionaire. she’s funny and likes to be around smart people. she is super talented in everything. she can comfort you easily. she’s has a real good sense of humor and […]

  • car washing

    the practice of strategically positioning oneself near a future point in the trajectory of a moving individual and timing one’s flatulence to coincide with the individual’s p-ssing so that individual unknowingly p-sses through the nauseous gases causing dizziness, vomiting, rashes, temporary blindness, loss of appet-te, disorientation, disgust, and general contempt. may also cause hilarity for […]

  • spy pants

    trousers or pants that make a noise when you walk, usually made of a material such as corduroy, vinyl, pleather or some other man-made material. in other words, not good to wear for spying. referring to said clothing as “spy pants” is an exercise in sarcasm. we’re going incognito, so don’t wear your spy pants […]

  • cushion buster

    polite banter to describe the enormity of someone’s fart. “good grief! that was a cushion buster if ever i heard one!”

  • dont be a chad

    a phrase used in a sentence towards another that might be acting or turns out to be a chad ben was acting like a total chad last night he kept macking on ashley and she wasnt having it, my advice for you is dont be a chad.

  • naughty slit

    there aren’t any definitions for naughty slit yet. can you define it?

  • acid off a duck’s back

    the opposite of water off a duck’s back. an insult that you allow to cling to you and burn you like h-ll. don’t dwell on insults. research has found that acid off a duck’s back yields very unfavorable results for the duck in question.

  • satan eats cheese whiz

    the awesomest subliminal message ever. found in weird al’s nature trail to h-ll. joe: dude, wanna know something? john: what? joe: satan eats cheese whiz.

  • crack goblin

    !. the species of goblins that you see when you are high on acid or !. a really ugly crackhead you: sh-t man! freind: yo what’s up? you: i think a crack goblin just ran across the street freind: sh-t m

  • Stang Up Fam

    largest mustang car club in california stang up fam is a family of mustangs

  • bookah shade

    sungl-sses (usually aviators or other large shades) generally worn while a person is under the influence of a hallucinogen or upper to disguise their eyes from being seen by sober folk. common to find at concerts/clubs/wherever techno can be heard why is that guy wearing sungl-sses, its 3a.m.? those arent sungl-sses, those are bookah shades, […]

  • fetty wap’d

    when you nut in yo girl’s left eye so she can’t see out of it, like the rapper fetty wap bro, i fetty wap’d my girl last night at 17:38.

  • wayo-wayo

    a word that gay people use to interrupt other people. this word, other than interruption, means “i am a flaming f-g.” “hey, you’re gay–” “wayo-wayo!”

  • Punked/Punked Down

    to display fear, cowardice, trepidation, and a yellow stripe that starts at the base of your shoulder blade and beelines straight down toward your spine, when you’re confronted by an aggressive and intimidating person who calls you out. to run in the opposite direction with your tail between your legs when aggressively confronted. the ghetto […]

  • Guatemalan stranger

    jerking off with pinky bone from a cadaver. after hand surgery kurt gave himself a guatemalan stranger.