• Composting Toilet

    Composting toilet is a toilet that do not use any water. This type of toilet is a dry toilet. The toilet processes the human excreta by using harsh chemicals.

  • Puir

    adjective, Scot. 1. poor. 2. pure. adjective 1. a Scot word for poor

  • Puirtith

    noun 1. (Scot) poverty

  • Puisne

    adjective 1. Law. younger; inferior in rank; junior, as in appointment. noun 2. an associate judge as distinguished from a chief justice. adjective 1. (esp of a subordinate judge) of lower rank

  • Puissance

    noun, Literary. 1. power, might, or force. noun 1. a competition in showjumping that tests a horse’s ability to jump a limited number of large obstacles 2. (archaic or poetic) power

  • Insufferable

    [in-suhf-er-uh-buh l] /ɪnˈsʌf ər ə bəl/ adjective 1. not to be endured; intolerable; unbearable: their insufferable insolence. /ɪnˈsʌfərəbəl/ adjective 1. intolerable; unendurable adj. early 15c., from in- (1) “not, opposite of” + sufferable (see suffer). Related: Insufferably.

  • MexSp

    1. Mexican Spanish.

  • Shoulder-arms

    noun 1. the part of each side of the body in humans, at the top of the trunk, extending from each side of the base of the neck to the region where the arm articulates with the trunk. 2. Usually, shoulders. these two parts together with the part of the back joining them. 3. a […]

  • Femoral nerve

    femoral nerve n. A nerve that arises from the second, third, and fourth lumbar nerves and supplies the muscles and skin of the anterior region of the thigh.

  • Remorse

    noun 1. deep and painful regret for wrongdoing; compunction. 2. Obsolete. pity; compassion. noun 1. a sense of deep regret and guilt for some misdeed 2. compunction; pity; compassion