

occurring without sexual union; germinating without impregnation; not gamic.

Botany, Mycology, .
Historical Examples

Stem-mother: in plant lice; that form hatching from the winter egg, which starts a series of agamic summer generations.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology John. B. Smith

Finally, they may become infested with cystic tapeworms or the agamic stage of a strongyle (Strongylus edentatus).
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse United States Department of Agriculture

These summer forms are known as the stem mothers or agamic females.
An Elementary Study of Insects Leonard Haseman

Budding: applied to that form of agamic reproduction found in plant lice.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology John. B. Smith

Pseudovary: the organ or mass of germ cells of an agamic insect.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology John. B. Smith

asexual; occurring or reproducing without fertilization

agamic a·gam·ic (ā-gām’ĭk) or ag·a·mous (āg’ə-məs)
Occurring or reproducing without the union of male and female cells; asexual or parthenogenetic.

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