
a property of certain elements, as carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus, of existing in two or more distinct forms; allomorphism.
Historical Examples

These facts of allotropism have some corollaries connected with them rather startling to us of the nineteenth century.
Medical Essays Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

In what will these wonderful developments of allotropism end?
The Catholic World; Vol. IV.; October, 1866, to March, 1867. E. Rameur

Perhaps they have not studied the mystery of allotropism in the emotions of the human heart.
Elsie Venner Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

the existence of an element in two or more physical forms. The most common elements having this property are carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus

allotropism al·lot·ro·pism (ə-lŏt’rə-pĭz’əm) or al·lot·ro·py (-rə-pē)
The existence of two or more forms of an element that differ from one another in crystalline or molecular structure.

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